Nottingham Centre for Social Philosophy

 Different types of games overlapping, including blind football, an image of Mario, a soldier, a large goose and a club scene

Study with us


The Department of Philosophy has an unusually wide range of modules that explore a range of social-philosophical topics and themes at every level of undergraduate study. These typically include:

  • social ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics
  • Chinese social philosophy
  • environmental ethics
  • the philosophies of race, of gender, and of sexuality.

Our first year module 'Philosophy and the Contemporary World' also often addresses issues such as moral obligations to refugees, religion in the media, forms of social inequality, and more besides!

See our full range of courses


A flexible programme that allows you to specialise in your area of interest and helps you develop sophisticated analytical skills.

Philosophy MA course page


We offer supervision for PhD students in a wide range of subject areas, reflecting the expertise of our academic staff. 

Philosophy PhD course page


Nottingham Centre for Social Philosophy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151