Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre (NTEC)


  • Total value: €460,000
  • Start to end date: 2014 - 2015


AllBack2Pave is a two-year CEDR Transnational Road Research project that will evaluate the feasibility of going towards 100% recycling of asphalt pavements into surface courses. Led by the Technische Universität Dresden in Germany, together with the University of Nottingham in the UK and University of Palermo in Italy, the project started in November 2013. To facilitate the deployment of lean concepts and lean production practices, the investigation will be implemented in close collaboration with the private sector, including asphalt mixing plants, chemical additives producers and waste material managers.

NTEC Members:    Gordon Airey,   Davide Lo Presti and  Tony Parry 

Project partners:​  Dresden University of Technology, University of Palermo, Ferrara Accardi & Figli, University of Washington, GreenRoads Foundation, FEHRL and EAPA

​Key publications: 

LO PRESTI, DAVIDE, JIMÉNEZ DEL BARCO CARRIÓN, ANA, AIREY, GORDON and HAJJ, ELIE,.  Towards 100% recycling of reclaimed asphalt in road surface courses: binder design methodology and case studies: Journal of Cleaner Production. 131, 43-51

BIOREPAVATION: Innovation on bio-recycling of old asphalt pavement
  • Total value: €1.500,000, €200k at UNOTT
  • Start to end date: 2015 - 2018


The overall goal is to provide the opportunity for road authorities, or more generally for countries with mature networks, to be self-sufficient in materials via “  BioRePavation” using bio-products locally produced and used along with asphalt pavement recycling. The main scientific and technical objective is to prove that alternative binders can be used to recycle asphaltic pavement with the same level of performance in comparison to conventional solutions with petroleum bitumen. To do so, the research team proposes to build a demonstration where three innovative pavement solutions using bio-materials will be tested using an accelerated pavement testing facility.

NTEC Members:   Davide Lo Presti, Ana Jimenez Del Barco Carrion and   Gordon Airey

Project partners:  ​IFSTTAR, Iowa State University, Western Research Institute, Arizona Chemical, EIFFAGE and NTEC

Key publications:  Barco Carrión, A.J.D., Lo Presti, D., Pouget, S., Airey, G., Chailleux, E.  Linear viscoelastic properties of high reclaimed asphalt content mixes with biobinders  (2017) Road Materials and Pavement Design, 18, pp.  

Circular Economy Metrics

Funder: Construction Supply Chain Sustainability School and United Utilities

Total value: £30,000

Start to end date: 2017 - 2018


This project tested the use of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Circular Economy Indicators for construction products. It included case studies for three construction products and consultation with a construction project and waste recycler. The project generated on-line case study documents, e-learning materials and a calculator spreadsheet and guidance for construction products.

NTEC Members:     Tony Parry 

Project partners:​  Responsible Solutions, ​Tarmac, ​Armstrong Ceilings,​British Gypsum​, Keir Construction​ and WasteCycle​

Key publications:  see for training materials to be launched June 2018​

CRABforOERE - Cold Recycled Asphalt Bases for Optimised Energy & Resource Efficient Pavements
  • Total value: EUR 647.894
  • Start to end date: Sep 2018 – Sep 2020


As an alternative for hot recycling, the use of reclaimed asphalt (RA) in cold recycling materials (CRM) is applied internationally with success. Also, in Europe (especially Italy and the UK) significant proportions of incurred RA are already cold recycled by application of foamed bitumen, bitumen emulsion and/or mineral binders. Good experience regarding mechanical properties and durability was further made with CRM for recycling of tar-contaminated pavements, for example in Germany. Generally, RA contents 75 % are reached within CRM. In France, annually ~1,5 mil. tons of cold asphalt mixtures based on natural aggregates and bitumen emulsion are applied since decades in base layers. Due to the mix preparation at ambient temperature, CRM demand for comparably less energy. Therefore, Cold recycled asphalt bases (CRAB) can be considered as pavement of optimal energy and resource efficiency (OERE).

Within CRABforOERE project, the experienced long-term performance of CRAB structures is assessed for various climatic conditions via Europe. From the results, mix and pavement design procedures are validated. Further the RA will be assessed as the aggregate part of the CRAB materials by concentrating on the relevant properties rather than for its application in hot asphalt. The CRAB structures will be assessed in terms of sustainability. Finally, the construction of three test pavements will be scientifically accompanied. On these structures, short-term curing performance will be assessed by monitoring the water content. Further, these structures will allow for follow-up assessment of long-term performance.

NTEC members:   Davide Lo Presti

Project partners: 
Universität Kassel, Germany (Coordinaion),  IFSTTAR, Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux, France,  UPdM, Università Politecnica delle Marche Italy,   VTI Statens väg- & transportforskningsinstitut, Sweden

Modified bitumen for roofing membranes
  • Funder: Technology Strategy Board, - Knowledge Transfer Partneship, UK
  • Total value: £147.000
  • Start to end date: 2013 - 2015


The KTP Chesterfelt Project is funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Chesterfelt Group, for the development of bituminous binders for use in roof membran manufacture.Chesterfelt’s strategic goal is to secure manufacturing and production of high quality bituminous roofing systems and membranes through new, alternative materials. 

NTEC Members:     Gordon Airey and   Davide Lo Presti

Project partners:  ​Chesterfelt Ltd

​Key publications:  

Subhy A., Lo Presti D., Airey G., “   Rubberised bitumen manufacturing assisted by rheological measurements” - Road Materials and Pavement Design, Taylor&Francis, September 2015

MORPHINE (Re-designing the coast: The Morphodynamics of Large Bodies of Sediment in a Macro-tidal Environment)  

Funder: EPSRC

Dates: April 2016-April 2020.

Value: £395,333

Partners: University of Swansea.


We are developing a mathematical description of morphodynamics as it pertains to a macro-tidal environment (coastal region with large tidal range, like that in the UK), so as to understand the movement of large deposits of sand on our beaches and shorefaces (shorefaces are, loosely, the regions in between the beach and the continental shelf floor). 

This theory will allow us to formulate a new mathematical modelling approach. These models will allow us to develop a new approach to designing sea defences, in which large quantities of sand ("nourishments") are deposited at strategic locations at and / or near to the coastline. These nourishments will provide a source of sediment for beaches that are eroding, but, importantly, they will also alter local wave and current conditions, which will transform previously eroding beaches into more stable configurations, and so form naturalistic coastal defences. 

Theory and models, coupled with a new, realistic statistical model of sea conditions, will make it possible for us to predict the behaviour of these nourishments to a reasonable degree of accuracy under different conditions, and with good efficiency. This will support the design sea defences that do not have to rely on invasive, expensive and reactive traditional sea defences. 

The work addresses UK conditions in particular, in which a very large tidal range combines with a wide variety of wave conditions to produce a particularly challenging environment. We are therefore proposing to undertake fundamental work on coastal morphodynamics so as to develop tools that will let us re-think our coastal defence strategy.

Members:  Prof Nicholas Dodd and Dr Wenlong Chen


Chen, W. L., Dodd, N., Tiessen, M. C. H. and Calvete, D. (2018). An idealised study for the long term evolution of crescentic bars: Continental Shelf Research, Continental Shelf Research, 152, 87-97.

Chen, W.L., Dodd, N. and Tiessen, M.C.H. (2017). An idealised study of the stabilisation mechanism in the long-term evolution of crescentic bars. Proc. Coastal Dynamics, Paper No. 049, Denmark. 

Pavement LCM - A complete package for life cycle management of green asphalts
  • Total value: EUR 562.689
  • Start to end date: 2018 – 2020

Summary:Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life cycle costing (LCC) and Social Cost Benefits Analysis (SCBA) are becoming popular techniques aimed at helping the different stakeholders in the process. However, the lack of a standard framework to perform Life Cycle Management (LCM) of road infrastructures means decisions are very much dependent on the analyst‘s work and assumptions, which can lead to considerable differences amongst methodologies and finally makes results incomparable from one case to another. PavementLCM is a 2 year international project which will be carried out by a multi-sectoral consortium to deliver a complete package to allow NRAs to carry out harmonised LCM exercises and durability assessment for Green Asphalt, as well as providing training and user-friendly guidelines to support their widespread use.

NTEC members:   Davide Lo Presti (Coordinator)  Tony Parry,  Luis Neves and Ana Jimenez Del Barco Carrion

Project partners:
TNO, The Netherlands,  VTI Sweden, and  University of Palermo, Italy

Resilience of a Himalayan Road Network

Funder: EPSRC – Global Challenges Research Fund

Total value: £12,000

Start to end date: 2017 - 2018

Summary:  Due to its orography and recent history, Bhutan’s transportation network is extremely limited. Most road links don’t have alternatives. Almost all are very lengthy, tortuous and, consequentially, operate at low speeds (c25 km/hr on average). These roads are exposed to severe and frequent landslides and floods, caused both by extreme rain and earthquakes leading to frequent community isolation. The non-availability of a reliable and resilient road network is strongly implicated as a contributory cause of Bhutan’s low Human Development Index score. Therefore a small-scale scoping study was performed to describe the problems more specifically and to define candidate procedures capable of keeping roads open and achievable, to a basic performance level, by non-skilled local communities.

NTEC Members: Andrew Dawson and  Luis Neves

Project Beneficaries: University of Nottingham, Royal University of Bhutan, Construction development Corporation Ltd, Royal Bhutanese Government’s: Ministry of Agriculture and Forests Dept. of Roads of Ministry of Works and Human Settlement 

Key publications:  Dawson, A.R., Neves, L.A.C., Sarkar, R. & Dijkstra, T., 2018, “Bhutanese road and bridge resilience to floods and landslides – first suggestions for assessment and response”, Proc. 4th International Conf. Transport Infrastructure, Pretoria, South Africa.

READY: Responsible Sourcing Training Materials
  • Funder: Sustainable Construction i-NET (ERDF)
  • Total value: £45,000
  • Start to end date: 2010 – 2011


The project developed a new suite of responsible sourcing training resources aimed at SME construction businesses: a resource that the SME Partner (Responsible Solutions Ltd) used to generate new income by delivering on-site and web-based training to demand-side specifiers (i.e. architects, engineers and contractors) and supply-side manufacturing enterprises throughout the region.

NTEC Members:    Tony Parry

Project partners:​  University of Loughborough, Responsible Solutions Ltd

Key publications:  Glass, J., Achour, N., Parry, T. and Nicholson, I. Engaging small firms in sustainable supply chains:responsible sourcing practices in the UK construction industry. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, Special Issue: Sustainable supply chain design and practice, Inderscience Enterprises, vol. 5 no.1, 29-58. 2012.


Funder: Received by University of Nottingham, UK, through EU funding

Total value: £20,000

Start to end date: 2014 - 2015

Summary:  The mixing performance of complex fluids are compared against those obtained with a standard impeller spindle, to establish which geometry allowed reaching the best level of homogenisation and the more realistic viscosity measurements. The HRI is calibrated and then used for testing several materials in the field of pavement engineering. The whole experimental programme is simulated by means of CFD analyses. At last a comparison between CFD particles volume fraction and experimental tests will be carried out to validate CFD simulations and to asses whether CFD modelling could represent a valid support to optimise design and manufacturing efforts of non-standard equipment for rheometry of complex fluids.

NTEC Members:   Davide Lo Presti  and  Dave Hargreaves 

Key publications:  D. Lo Presti, G. Giancontieri, D.M. Hargreaves, Improving the rheometry of rubberized bitumen: experimental and computation fluid dynamics studies, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 136, 1 April 2017, Pages 286-297, ISSN 0950-0618

  • Funder: EU H2020 - MSCA-ITN-2016 - Innovative Training Networks
  • Total value: € 3,990,59
  • Start to end date: 2017 - 2021

Summary:  The Sustainable Multi-functional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructures European Training Network (SMARTI ETN), will bring together a stimulating platform where key stakeholders of the transport infrastructure sector will work alongside world-wide experts in smartening of systems (developers of high-tech sensors, advanced monitoring equipment, automated structures, etc.,) with direct support from the roads, railways and airports managers. 

NTEC Members:    Davide Lo Presti, Ana Jimenez Del Barco Carrion,   Andrew Dawson,   Gordon Airey,   Luis Neves,   Nick Thom,   Alvaro Garcia and   Tony Parry

Project Beneficaries: University of Nottingham, IFSTTAR, University of Palermo, University of Granada, EIFFAGE, GDG, AECOM and Dynatest

  • Funder: EU FP7 MC-ITN - Networks for Initial Training (ITN)
  • Total value: €4,066,597
  • Start to end date: 2013 - 2017


The Sustainable Pavements & Railways Initial Training Network is a training-through-research programme that is empowering Europe by forming a new generation of multi-disciplinary professionals capable of conceiving, planning and executing sustainable road and railway infrastructures. The University of Nottingham lead the effort which is the first of its kind and involves 29 partners between universities, research centres and companies/industries, from five EU countries (UK, Italy, France, Ireland and Spain) and the USA.

NTEC Members:     Davide Lo Presti,   Gordon Airey,   Nick Thom, and  Tony Parry

Project Beneficaries: University of Nottingham, IFSTTAR, University of Palermo, University of Granada, AECOM, University College Dublin, Universidad de Huelva, IrishRail, Sacyr Vallehermoso and Repsol

Key publications:  

Barco Carrión, A.J.D., Lo Presti, D., Pouget, S., Airey, G., Chailleux, E.    Linear viscoelastic properties of high reclaimed asphalt content mixes with biobinders (2017) Road Materials and Pavement Design, 18, pp. 241-251. 

D’Angelo Giacomo, Nicholas Thom, Lo Presti Davide.    Bitumen stabilised ballast: A potential solution for railway track-bed. Construction and Building Materials 124(2016):118-126 

James Bryce, Stefanie Brodie, Tony Parry, Davide Lo Presti,    A systematic assessment of road pavement sustainability through a review of rating tools, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Available online 19 December 2016, ISSN 0921-3449, 

Splash and Spray Assessment Tool
  • Funder: US Federal Highway Administration
  • Total value: £300,000
  • Start to end date: 2008 – 2012


The development of a splash and spray prediction model in this project provides a tool for highway engineers, contributing to decisions concerning the type and priority of maintenance on their network. This could deliver a range of benefits, including increased user satisfaction with the network, reduced accidents and a reduction in the detrimental effects of pollutants being deposited on the verges and street furniture.

NTEC Members: 

Tony Parry and  Dave Hargreaves 

Project partners:  ​Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (USA), Virginia Transportation Research Council (USA) and TRL Ltd (UK)

​Key publications:Flintsch, G.W., Tang, L., Katicha, S.W., de Leon, E., Viner, H., Dunford, A., Nesnas, K., Coyle, F., Sanders, P., Gibbons, R., Williams, B., Hargreaves D., Parry, T., McGhee, K., Larson, R.M., and Smith K. Splash and Spray Assessment Tool Development Program, Final Report, DTFH61-08-C-00030, 2014. 

VEDAT (Value Enhancement for Data from Assets & Transactions)
  • Funder: Innovate UK
  • Total value: £359 000
  • Start to end date: Sep 2014 – Nov 2016

Summary: Transport Management Systems provider Microlise has partnered with the University of Nottingham to get a wider range of valuable information from data routinely collected by road vehicles. The objective of the “Value Enhancement for Data from Assets & Transactions” (VEDAT) project is to achieve customer and market value from the high volumes of complex data (Big Data) generated in real-time through telematics technology. Innovative tools and solutions that result in significant cost savings and create new value propositions within the transport and logistics sector have been created as a result of the project.

The backdrop to VEDAT is the millions of miles worth of event data generated through Microlise telematics solutions each day. This data is used at a local level by customers to understand driver behaviour, vehicle usage and customer service levels. However, taken as a whole, the data captured around driving style, risk areas and vehicle flow rates represents a whole additional dimension for Microlise to provide further innovative solutions.

The VEDAT project takes advantage of Microlise technology and market experience, as well as the expertise in hardware products of the company’s research & development team, and will utilise the OEM relationship between Microlise and a global vehicle manufacturer also involved in the project. The University of Nottingham provides the extensive skills available through its’ Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning (ASAP), Advanced Data Analysis Centre (ADAC) and Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre (NTEC) teams.

NTEC members:  Tony Parry

Project partners:  Microlise, Nottingham

Whole-life Cost Assessment of Novel Material Railway Drainage Systems
  • Funder: EPSRC, Rail Standards & Strategy Board, UK Dept. for Transport
  • Total value: £591,597
  • Start to end date: 2015 - 2019


Water plays a significant role in the degradation of railway infrastructure with high associated maintenance and repair costs. Climate change is predicted to result in more extreme weather and flash flood events. The railway drainage systems will therefore be put under severe strain. Much of the UK railway drainage infrastructure is old and in need of repair or replacement while traffic growth reduces the opportunities available to carry out maintenance. In light of these issues, this project focuses on providing novel and easily installed railway drainage solutions which make use of lightweight and cost-effective 'new materials'. Their use is investigated by full-scale, physical centrifuge and numerical modelling and some in-situ monitoring.

NTEC Members:   Andrew Dawson,   Nick Thom , Ivan Campos, and Led by colleagues in the Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics.

Project Beneficaries:  University of Nottingham, Rail Standards & Strategy Board, Network Rail, Aspen and AECOM.



Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD