One of the most common and distressing problems after a stroke is fatigue. Many studies suggest that this is a symptom of post-stroke depression, but with fatigue also occurring independently of low mood, it is a debilitating symptom that cannot yet be completely explained.
The Nottingham Fatigue After Stroke study (NotFAST) is exploring how often fatigue is reported by post-stroke patients without depression, and identifying common associated factors. The team hopes to pave the way for the development of suitable fatigue management strategies.
Leading a UK-wide collaborative study
Led by the Rehabilitation Research Group at The University of Nottingham, in collaboration with the universities of Leicester, Salford, London, Swansea, York, Edinburgh and Glasgow, the study has recruited around 300 first-time stroke patients from four hospital stroke services.
Patients are assessed four to six weeks after their stroke, examining their fatigue, activities of daily living and mobility (both pre- and post-stroke), as well as sleep, mood, post-traumatic stress symptoms and cognitive abilities. They are then reassessed six months post-stroke, and a small number with high fatigue are interviewed to explore their experiences further.
At the end of the study, in August 2016, the team will analyse the findings, determining which factors are independently associated with fatigue and opening the door to the development of new treatment approaches.