Resilience Engineering Research Group

The NxGen Project Industrial Partners

Support from our industrial partners is vital to the success of the NxGen project. Our initial test scenarios are focussing on aerospace, nuclear power generation, and railways. Further industrial sectors will be added as the project matures.

Read more about our key collaborators who are providing real-world case studies to help us develop and test our methodologies.

Industrial Partners


With the continual need for the development and operation of ever safer, more reliable and resilient systems, Rolls-Royce believes that the proposed step change in modelling capabilities proposed by the NxGen project, will offer significant advantages in both the nuclear and aerospace sectors of our operation. This project has the potential to impact on the decisions made in both the design and maintenance of our engineering systems to ensure that we continue to achieve ever more demanding safety and reliability targets effectively and efficiently.  The University of Nottingham (UoN) has been a key industrial partner for Rolls-Royce for over 20 years. The University hosts two Rolls-Royce University Technology Centres (UTCs), the Gas Turbine Transmissions UTC and the Manufacturing Technology UTC. These are highly innovative, leading research centres, fostering a close collaboration between University and Rolls-Royce staff and delivering direct impact for the company.

Our support will include our representation on the Project Management Board, and technical input to the project on the requirements of Rolls-Royce in safety modelling from both our Control and Nuclear sectors. In this way we can ensure the practical relevance to the aerospace and nuclear industries.



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Rolls-Royce SMR

Rolls-Royce SMR (Small Modular Reactors) offers a radically different approach to delivering nuclear power. We have drastically reduced the amount of construction activities and transformed the delivery environment from a large complex infrastructure programme into a factory built commoditised product. Our design has evolved in response to a definitive set of market driven outcomes, to create a transformational clean energy solution that will deliver clean affordable energy for all.

The Rolls-Royce SMR design is being developed through detailed optioneering studies, evaluated against conservative criteria that drives inherent safety and passive features into the design, with enhanced use of best available techniques and substantial defence in depth such that risks can be reduced to well below internationally recognised safety targets and demonstrably as low as reasonably practicable at all lifecycle stages.




High Speed 1 (HS1)

HS1 Ltd has the 30 year concession to own and operate High Speed 1, the UK’s first section of high speed rail, as well as the stations along the route: St Pancras International, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International.  HS1 is the 109km rail line between St Pancras International in London and the Channel Tunnel and connects the international high-speed routes between London and Paris, London and Brussels and London and Amsterdam, as well as the domestic route from London to Kent.

Our support will include our representation on the Project Management Board, and technical input to the project on the current models used for railway risk assessment for high speed rail and their limitations.


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Rail Safety Standards Board (RSSB)

Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) supports the rail industry to deliver a better, safer railway. We manage a research programme; collect, collate and analyse data; and develop standards for the railway across Great Britain. 

We deliver standards, information and guidance for all aspects of railway operations, as well as health and wellbeing, sustainability, infrastructure and rolling stock asset integrity, customer satisfaction, performance, and safety. Through our Affiliation programme we also make some of that information and guidance available to overseas organisations and other industries.

RSSB will provide representation on the Project Management Board and assist with technical advice on the current models used for railway risk assessment from the Safety Risk Model, and their limitations. 




 If you would like to get involved in the NxGen project please contact Professor John Andrews

Resilience Engineering Research Group

The University of Nottingham
Pavement Research Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 84 67366