Resilience Engineering Research Group


ANDREWS, J. and FECAROTTI, C., 2014. Asset Management of Aging Process Plant In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on e-Maintenance, 2014.

RAMA, D. and ANDREWS, J., 2014. Assessment of Intervention Strategies for Railway Infrastructure Subject to Service Scheduling Constraints In: Proceeedings of the 8th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), 2014.

YANG, C., REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R. and ANDREWS, J., 2014. Road Maintenance Planning using Network Flow Modelling In: Proceeedings of the 8th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), 2014.

YANG, C., REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R. and ANDREWS, J., 2014. Road network modelling for maintenance planning

PRESCOTT DR, ANDREWS JD and DE ROZIERES F, 2014. A stochastic railway track maintenance model In: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis - Proc. ESREL 2013. 873-879

YANG, CHAO, REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, RASA and ANDREWS, JOHN, 2014. A network traffic flow model for motorway and urban highways JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. 65(8), 1278-1291

REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R. and REED, S., 2014. Modelling Medical Procedures using Engineering Reliability Analysis Techniques In: ASPiH (Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare) Annual Conference 2014, Nottingham. Published in BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 1 (Suppl 1).. A12

ANDREWS JD, PRESCOTT DR and DE ROZIÈRES F, 2014. A stochastic model for railway track asset management Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 130, 76-84

PRESCOTT DR and ANDREWS JD, 2014. Modelling the effects of asset management decisions on a railway track section In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Railway Technology: Research Development and Maintenance.

SHENG J and PRESCOTT DR, 2014. A coloured Petri net model of fleet cannibalisation In: The 3rd International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance 2014. 27-35

MANUEL CHIACHÍO, JUAN CHIACHÍO, GUILLERMO RUS and JAMES L. BECK, 2014. Predicting fatigue damage in composites: A Bayesian framework Structural Safety. 51, 57 - 68

CHIACHIO,M., BEC,J. L., CHIACHIO,J. and RUS,G., 2014. Approximate bayesian computation by subset simulation SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 36(3), A1339-A1358

GERARDY, ISABELLE, STICHELBAUT, FREDERIC and TOLO, SILVIA, 2014. MCNPX simulations of the response of the extended-range rem meter WENDI-2: Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection. 29(suppl.), 25-30

TOLO, SILVIA, PATELLI, EDOARDO and BEER, MICHAEL, 2014. Bayesian network approach for risk assessment of a spent nuclear fuel pond. In: Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk: Quantification, Mitigation, and Management 598-607

ANDREWS, J., 2013. A modelling approach to railway track asset management Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 227(1), 56-73
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Resilience Engineering Research Group

The University of Nottingham
Pavement Research Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 84 67366