Researching Inclusion and Social Justice in and through Education

RISE staff members

Click on photo to go to staff profiles.

Main contact for enquiries  

Joanna McintyreJoanna McIntyre
Centre Co-convenor

elizabethwalElizabeth Walton
Centre Co-convenor

Eugenia KatartziEugenia Katartzi
PGR Coordinator


Centre members 

helen-bowhayHelen Bowhay

Charlie DavisCharlie Davis

Kerryn DixonKerryn Dixon

Lauran DoakLauren Doak

Jenny ElliottJenny Elliott


Lesley Hagger-VaughanLesley Hagger-Vaughan

Sarah HorrodSarah Horrod

Susan JonesSusan Jones

Smaragda Kampouri - MA TESOL tutorSmaragda Kampouri

Imene KassousImene Kassous


Dr Rupert KnightRupert Knight

Rachel Lehner-MearRachel Lehner-Mear

Manny Madriago
Manny Madriaga

Jane Medwell
Jane Medwell

helensmith5Helen Smith


Chris StoneChris Stone

Lip Teoh
Lip Teoh

Rachel TurneyRachel Tunney

Gary WinshipGary Winship


RISE associate members  

Researching Inclusion and Social Justice in and through Education

School of Education
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543