
Professor Christine Moffatt wins Vice Chancellor's award

Professor Moffatt - vice chancellors award for KE

Christine Moffatt CBE, Professor of Clinical Nursing Research, was presented with the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Knowledge Exchange and Impact 2016 at a ceremony at East Midlands Conference Centre in May.

The award celebrated her work in engaging multiple commercial partners to develop and drive awareness of compression therapy systems. She has worked closely with leading healthcare companies including Smith and Nephew and 3M on systems that provide the cornerstone of treatment for leg ulcers and chronic swelling.

In 2015, Christine, who is also a nurse consultant at the NHS Lymphoedema Service, was presented with the Vice-Chancellor’s Lifetime Achievement Award. She has been involved in wound healing research and practice for 30 years and worked with lymphoedema for 15 years.

Awarded a CBE in 2006, Christine was also made a life fellow of the Royal College of Nursing the same year. Two years later she received a Nursing Times Diamond 20 Award as one of the 20 most influential nurses in the last 60 years.

Posted on Tuesday 19th July 2016

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