Mock Scanner
We are very grateful to the Sam White Legacy for funding our Mock MRI Scanner.
This invaluable piece of equipment has two main uses.
Reducing the use of anaesthetic for children
We are investigating whether by allowing a child to play in our Mock Scanner they will become more comfortable in the MRI environment, so that they will be happier to go into a real scanner.
In this way we hope that we will be able to reduce the number of children who need to have an anaesthetic to be able to undergo a clinical MRI scanner.
We are already working on this with Nottingham University NHS Trust.
Brain Function Studies
The Mock Scanner is useful for brain function studies. Often we ask people to undertake experiments in an MRI scanner. As you can imagine, it can be tricky to learn how to do some things lying down in a fairly small tube.
The Mock Scanner will provide us with a place to train people for brain function studies. The Mock Scanner can be booked like all our other facilities.