Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


KAISER, M., MARTIN, R., ANDRAS, P. and YOUNG, M. P., 2007. Simulation of robustness against lesions of cortical networks: Eur J Neurosci 25(10), 3185-92

KAISER, MARCUS and HILGETAG, CLAUS C., 2007. Development of multi-cluster cortical networks by time windows for spatial growth: Neurocomputing Neurocomputing. 70(10-12), 1829-1832

KAISER, MARCUS, GĂ–RNER, MATTHIAS and HILGETAG, C. C., 2007. Functional Criticality in Clustered Networks without inhibition: New Journal of Physics New Journal of Physics. 9, 110

KAISER, M., 2007. Brain architecture: a design for natural computation: Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 365(1861), 3033-45

DA FONTOURA COSTA, LUCIANO, KAISER, MARCUS and HILGETAG, CLAUS C., 2007. Predicting the connectivity of primate cortical networks from topological and spatial node properties: BMC Syst. Biol. 1, 16

MARIN,L., POWER,H., BOWTELL,R.W., COBOS SANCHEZ,C., BECKER,A.A., GLOVER,P. and JONES,I.A., 2006. Regularized boundary element method for an inverse electromagnetic problem with applications to gradient coil design In: IABEM 2006 Conference. 41-44

GIBSON, A., PETERS, A.M. and BOWTELL, R., 2006. Echo-shifted multislice EPI for high-speed fMRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 24(4), 433-442

FABER, C., HEIL, C., ZAHNEISEN, B., BALLA, D.Z and BOWTELL, R., 2006. Sensitivity to local dipole fields in the CRAZED experiment: an approach to bright spot MRI Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 182(2), 315-324

VAN DER ZWAAG, W., FRANCIS, S. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2006. Improved echo volumar imaging (EVI) for functional MRI Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 56(6), 1320-1327

MARCIANI, L, WICKHAM, MSJ, BUSH, D, FAULKS, R, WRIGHT, J, FILLERY-TRAVIS, AJ, SPILLER, RC and GOWLAND, PA, 2006. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of The Behaviour Of Oil-In-Water Emulsions In The Gastric Lumen Of Man British Journal Of Nutrition. 95(2), 331-339

MARCIANI, L, TOTMAN, JJ, HOAD, CL, EVANS, S, MISTRY, A, GOWLAND, PA and SPILLER, RC, 2006. Bran-induced small bowel secretion: Assessment by novel non-invasive MRI technique In: Digestive Disease Week Meeting/107th Annual Meeting of the American-Gastroenterlogical-Association. A743-A743

MARCIANI, L, WICKHAM, M, SINGH, G, BUSH, D, PICK, B, COX, E, FILLERY-TRAVIS, A, FAULKS, R, MARSDEN, C, GOWLAND, PA and SPILLER, RC, 2006. Delaying gastric emptying and enhancing cholecystokinin release and satiety by using acid stable fat emulsions In: Digestive Disease Week Meeting/107th Annual Meeting of the American-Gastroenterlogical-Association. A227-A227

MARCIANI, L, PFEIFFER, JC, HORT, J, HEAD, K, BUSH, D, TAYLOR, AJ, SPILLER, RC, FRANCIS, S and GOWLAND, PA, 2006. Improved Methods For Fmri Studies Of Combined Taste And Aroma Stimuli Journal Of Neuroscience Methods. 158(2), 186-194

HOAD, CL, FULFORD, J, RAINE-FENNING, NJ, CAMPBELL, BK, JOHNSON, IR and GOWLAND, PA, 2006. In Vivo Perfusion, T-1, And T-2 Measurements In The Female Pelvis During The Normal Menstrual Cycle: A Feasibility Study Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 24(6), 1350-1356

HOAD, C.L., FULFORD,J, RAINE-FENNING, N.J., CAMPBELL, B.K., JOHNSON, I.R and GOWLAND,P.A., 2006. In vivo perfusion, T(1), and T(2) measurements in the female pelvis during the normal menstrual cycle: A feasibility study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 24(6), 1350-1356
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