Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


MARCIANI, L., PFEIFFER, J.C., HORT, J., HEAD, K., BUSH, D., TAYLOR, A.J., SPILLER, R.C., FRANCIS, S. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2006. Improved methods for fMRI studies of combined taste and aroma stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 158(2), 186-94

MARCIANI, L., WICKHAM, M.S.J., BUSH, D., FAULKS, R., WRIGHT, J., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A.J., SPILLER, R.C. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2006. Magnetic resonance imaging of the behaviour of oil-in-water emulsions in the gastric lumen of man British Journal of Nutrition. 95(2), 331-339

GIBSON, A, PETERS, AM and BOWTELL, R, 2006. Echo-shifted multislice EPI for high-speed fMRI MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. 24(4), 433-442

HEIDENREICH JO, KLOPSTOCK T, SCHIRMER T, SAEMANN P, MUELLER-FELBER W and AUER DP, 2006. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia: Mr Spectroscopy And Mr Diffusion Studies In The Brain. Ajr. American Journal Of Roentgenology. 187(3), 820-4

LOOSE, R., KAUFMANN, C., TUCHA, O., AUER, D. P. and LANGE, K. W., 2006. Neural networks of response shifting: Influence of task speed and stimulus material Brain Research. VOL 1090(NUMBER 1), 146-155

THEN BERGH, FLORIAN, KüMPFEL, TANIA, SCHUMANN, ERINA, HELD, ULRIKE, SCHWAN, MICHAELA, BLAZEVIC, MIRJANA, WISMüLLER, AXEL, HOLSBOER, FLORIAN, YASSOURIDIS, ALEXANDER, UHR, MANFRED, WEBER, FRANK, DAUMER, MARTIN, TRENKWALDER, CLAUDIA and AUER, DOROTHEE P, 2006. Monthly intravenous methylprednisolone in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis - reduction of enhancing lesions, T2 lesion volume and plasma prolactin concentrations. BMC Neurology. 6, 19

KAUFMANN, C., WEHRLE, R., WETTER, T. C., HOLSBOER, F., AUER, D. P., POLLMACHER, T. and CZISCH, M., 2006. Brain activation and hypothalamic functional connectivity during human non-rapid eye movement sleep: an EEG/fMRI study Brain. VOL 129(NUMBER 3), 655-667

KALISCH, R., SCHUBERT, M., JACOB, W., KESSLER, M. S., HEMAUER, R., WIGGER, A., LANDGRAF, R. and AUER, D. P., 2006. Anxiety and hippocampus volume in the rat Neuropsychopharmacology. 31(5), 925-932

NIEPEL, G, TENCH,CR, MORGAN, PS, EVANGELOU, N, AUER, D and CONSTANTINESCU, CS, 2006. Deep gray matter and fatigue in MS : A T1 relaxation time study. Journal of Neurology. 253(7), 896-902

ALTAF, N., DANIELS, L., MORGAN, P.S., LOWE, J., GLADMAN, J., MACSWEENEY, S.T., MOODY, A. and AUER, D.P., 2006. Cerebral white matter hyperintense lesions are associated with unstable carotid plaque European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 31(1), 8-13

PAPADIMITRIOU, KYPRIANOS, DOLLAS, APOSTOLOS and SOTIROPOULOS, STAMATIOS N., 2006. Low-cost real-time 2-D motion detection based on reconfigurable computing IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT. 55(6), 2234-2243

LAPPE, M., KUHLMANN, S., OERKE, B. and KAISER, M., 2006. The fate of object features during perisaccadic mislocalization: J Vis 6(11), 1282-93

MARQUES, J.P., GRANT, S., BLACKBAND, S. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2005. Intermolecular multiple quantum coherences at high magnetic field: the nonlinear regime Journal of Chemical Physics. 123(16), 164311, 1-10
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