Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


TENCH, C. R., MORGAN, P. S., JASPAN, T., AUER, D. P. and CONSTANTINESCU, C. S., 2005. Spinal Cord Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Journal of Neuroimaging. VOL 15(NUMB 4), 94S-102S

CERQUEIRA, J.J., CATANIA, C., SOTIROPOULOS, I., SCHUBERT, M., KALISCH, R., ALMEIDA, O. F. X., AUER, D. P. and SOUSA, N., 2005. Corticosteroid status influences the volume of the rat cingulate cortex - a magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 39(5), 451-60

DICHGANS, M., HERZOG, J., FREILINGER, T., WILKE, M. and AUER, D. P., 2005. 1H-MRS alterations in the cerebellum of patients with familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 Neurology. 64(4), 608-613

ACKL, N., ISING, M., SCHREIBER, Y. A., ATIYA, M., SONNTAG, A. and AUER, D. P., 2005. Hippocampal metabolic abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimers disease Neuroscience Letters. VOL 384(NUMBER 1-2), 23-28

BENDER, ANDREAS, AUER, DOROTHEE P, MERL, THOMAS, REILMANN, RALF, SAEMANN, PHILLIP, YASSOURIDIS, ALEXANDER, BENDER, JULIA, WEINDL, ADOLF, DOSE, MATTHIAS, GASSER, THOMAS and KLOPSTOCK, THOMAS, 2005. Creatine supplementation lowers brain glutamate levels in Huntington's disease. Journal of Neurology. 252(1), 36-41

BAUMEISTER, F. A. M., AUER, D. P., HORTNAGEL, K., FREISINGER, P. and MEITINGER, T., 2005. The Eye-of-the-Tiger Sign is not a Reliable Disease Marker for Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome Neuropediatrics. VOL 36(NUMB 3), 221-222

WEHRLE, R., CZISCH, M., KAUFMANN, C., WETTER, T. C., HOLSBOER, F., AUER, D. P. and POLLMACHER, T., 2005. Rapid eye movement-related brain activation in human sleep: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study NeuroReport. VOL 16(NUMB 8), 853

ALTAF N, AUER DP, GLADMAN J and MACSWEENEY ST, 2005. Microembolization During Carotid Endarterectomy And Diffusion Weighted Imaging. Stroke; A Journal Of Cerebral Circulation. 36(6), 1110-1; author reply 1111-2

DOLLAS A, SOTIROPOULOS S and PAPADEMETRIOU K, 2005. A 2-D motion detection model for low-cost embedded reconfigurable I/O devices. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 52(8), 1443-9

CLAUS C. HILGETAG and MARCUS KAISER, 2005. Die Netzwerk-Struktur Biologischer Systeme: BIOforum 32-33

KAISER, MARCUS, 2005. Spatial Network Growth: Generating Small-World, Scale-Free, and Multi-Cluster Spatial Networks (1)

MARSHALL, P., SNAAR, J.E., NG, Y.L., BOWTELL, R.W., HAMPSON, F.C., DETTMAR, P.W., ONSOYEN, E. and MELIA, C.D., 2004. Localised mapping of water movement and hydration inside a developing bioadhesive bond Journal of Controlled Release. 95(3), 435-446

MORGAN, P.S., BOWTELL, R.W., MCINTYRE, D.J. and WORTHINGTON, B.S., 2004. Correction of spatial distortion in EPI due to inhomogeneous static magnetic fields using the reversed gradient method Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 19(4), 499-507

KONN, D., LEACH, S., GOWLAND, P. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2004. Initial attempts at directly detecting alpha wave activity in the brain using MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 22(10), 1413-1427
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