Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


KAISER, M. and HILGETAG, C. C., 2004. Spatial growth of real-world networks: Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 69(3 Pt 2), 036103

KAISER, M. and HILGETAG, C. C., 2004. Modelling the development of cortical systems networks: Neurocomputing Neurocomputing. 58-60, 297-302

KAISER, M. and HILGETAG, C. C., 2004. Edge vulnerability in neural and metabolic networks: Biol Cybern Biol Cybern. 90(5), 311-7

KAISER, M. and LAPPE, M., 2004. Perisaccadic mislocalization orthogonal to saccade direction: Neuron Neuron. 41(2), 293-300

SPORNS, O., CHIALVO, D. R., KAISER, M. and HILGETAG, C. C., 2004. Organization, development and function of complex brain networks: Trends Cogn Sci Trends Cogn Sci. 8(9), 418-25

OWERS-BRADLEY, J.R., FICHELE, S., BENNATTAYALAH, A., MCGLOIN, C.J.S., BOWTELL, R.W., MORGAN, P.S. and MOODY, A.R., 2003. MR tagging of human lungs using hyperpolarized 3He gas Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 17(1), 142-146

SUTCH, J.C.D., ROSS, A.C., KĂ–CKENBERGER, W., BOWTELL, R.W., MACRAE, R.J., STEVENS, H.N.E and MELIA, C.D., 2003. Investigating the coating-dependent release mechanism of a pulsatile capsule using NMR microscopy Journal of Controlled Release. 92(3), 341-347

BUTTERWORTH, S., FRANCIS, S., KELLY, E., MCGLONE, F., BOWTELL, R.W. and SAWLE, G.V., 2003. Abnormal cortical sensory activation in dystonia: an fMRI study Movement Disorders. 18(6), 673-682

ROLLS, E.T., O'DOHERTY, J., KRINGELBACH, M.L., FRANCIS, S., BOWTELL, R.W. and MCGLONE, F., 2003. Representations of pleasant and painful touch in the human orbitofrontal and cingulate cortices Cerebral Cortex. 13(3), 308-317

KONN, D., GOWLAND, P. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2003. MRI detection of weak magnetic fields due to an extended current dipole in a conducting sphere: a model for direct detection of neuronal currents in the brain Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: official journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.. 50(1), 40-49

PEARS, J.A., FRANCIS, S.T., BUTTERWORTH, S.E., BOWTELL, R.W. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2003. Investigating the BOLD effect during infusion of Gd-DTPA using rapid T*2 mapping Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 49(1), 61-70

FRANCIS, S.T., PEARS, J.A., BUTTERWORTH, S., BOWTELL, R.W. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2003. Measuring the change in CBV upon cortical activation with high temporal resolution using look-locker EPI and Gd-DTPA Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 50(3), 483-492

BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R.W. and BOWLEY, R.M., 2003. Using the vector potential in evaluating the likelihood of peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched magnetic field gradients Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 50(2), 405-410

LEGGETT, J., CROZIER, S., BLACKBAND, S., BECK, B. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2003. Multilayer transverse gradient coil design Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering. 16(1), 38-46

LEGGETT, J., CROZIER, S. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2003. Actively shielded multi-layer gradient coil designs with improved cooling properties Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 165(2), 196-207
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