Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


COLEMAN, N. S., MARCIANI, L., BLACKSHAW, E., WRIGHT, J., PARKER, M., YANO, T., YAMAZAKI, S., CHAN, P. Q., WILDE, K. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2003. Effect of a novel 5-HT3 receptor agonist MKC-733 on upper gastrointestinal motility in humans Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. VOL 18(NUMBER 10), 1039-1048

ONG, STEPHEN S, MOORE, RACHEL J, WARREN, AVERIL Y, CROCKER, IAN P, FULFORD, JON, TYLER, DAMIAN J, GOWLAND, PENNY A and BAKER, PHILIP N, 2003. Myometrial and placental artery reactivity alone cannot explain reduced placental perfusion in pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. BJOG. 110(10), 909-15

FULFORD, J, VADEYAR, S.H, DODAMPAHALA, S.H, MOORE, R.J, YOUNG, P, BAKER, P.N, JAMES, D.K and GOWLAND, P.A, 2003. Fetal brain activity in response to a visual stimulus. Human Brain Mapping. 20(4), 239-45

SWAINSON R, CUNNINGTON R, JACKSON GM, RORDEN C, PETERS AM, MORRIS PG and JACKSON SR, 2003. Cognitive control mechanisms revealed by ERP and fMRI: evidence from repeated task-switching. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 15(6), 785-99

COTA, D., MARSICANO, G., TSCHÖP, M., GRÜBLER, Y., FLACHSKAMM, C., SCHUBERT, M., AUER, D., YASSOURIDIS, A., THÖNE-REINEKE, C., ORTMANN, S., TOMASSONI, F., CERVINO, C., NISOLI, E., LINTHORST, A.C.E., PASQUALI R., LUTZ, B., STALLA, G. K. and PAGOTTO. U., 2003. The endogenous cannabinoid system affects energy balance via central orexigenic drive and peripheral lipogenesis Journal of Clinical Investigation. 112(3), 423-431

LOOSE, R., KAUFMANN, C., AUER, D. P. and LANGE, K. W., 2003. Human Prefrontal and Sensory Cortical Activity During Divided Attention Tasks Human Brain Mapping. VOL 18(PART 4), 249-259

SAMANN, P. G., SCHLEGEL, J., MULLER, G., PRANTL, F., EMMINGER, C. and AUER, D. P., 2003. Serial Proton MR Spectroscopy and Diffusion Imaging Findings in HIV-Related Herpes Simplex Encephalitis American Journal of Neuroradiology. VOL 24(PART 10), 2015-2019

KISELEV, V. G., HAHN, K. R. and AUER, D. P., 2003. Is the brain cortex a fractal? Neuroimage. VOL 20(NUMBER 3), 1765-1774

DICHGANS, M., PUTZ, B., BOOS, D. and AUER, D. P., 2003. Role of Subvoxel Free Fluid on Diffusion Parameters in Brain Tissue with Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy and Its Correlation with Physical Disability: Histogram Analysis of Standard and Fluid-Attenuated MR Diffusion American Journal of Neuroradiology. VOL 24(PART 6), 1083-1089

DIETL, T., AUER, D. P., MODELL, S., LECHNER, C. and TRENKWALDER, C., 2003. Involuntary vocalisations and a complex hyperkinetic movement disorder following left side thalamic haemorrhage Behavioural Neurology. VOL 14(PART 3/4), 99-102

COPPACK, T., PULIDO, F., CZISCH, M., AUER, D. P. and BERTHOLD, P., 2003. Photoperiodic response may facilitate adaptation to climatic change in long-distance migratory birds Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. ISSU 1524(SUPP/1), S43-S46

SMITH, M., PUTZ, B., AUER, D. and FAHRMEIR, L., 2003. Assessing brain activity through spatial bayesian variable selection Neuroimage. VOL 20(NUMBER 2), 802-815

HORVÁTH, R., LOCHMÜLLER, H., SCHARFE, C., DO, B.H., OEFNER, P.J., MÜLLER-HÖCKER, J., SCHOSER, B.G., PONGRATZ, D., AUER, D.P. and JAKSCH, M., 2003. A tRNA(Ala) mutation causing mitochondrial myopathy clinically resembling myotonic dystrophy Journal of Medical Genetics. 40(10), 752-757

BARTZ, D, MAYER, D, FISCHER, J, LEY, S, DEL RIO, A, THUST, S, HEUSSEL, CP, KAUCZOR, HU and STRASSER, W, 2003. Hybrid segmentation and exploration of the human lungs IEEE VISUALIZATION 2003, PROCEEDINGS. 177-184

HUDSON, A.M.J., KÖCKENBERGER, W., HEIDENREICH, M., CHANDRAKUMAR, N., KIMMICH, R. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2002. 1H detected 13C echo planar imaging Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 155(1), 64-71
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