Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


GUMPRECHT, H., EBEL, G. K., AUER, D. P. and LUMENTA, C. B., 2002. Neuronavigation and Functional MRI for Surgery in Patients with Lesion in Eloquent Brain Areas Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. VOL 45(PART 3), 151-153

ELBEL, G.-K., KAUFMANN, C., SCHAEFERS, S., BUSER, A. and AUER, D. P., 2002. Refractive Anomalies and Visual Activation in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): A Versatile and Low-Cost MR-Compatible Device to Correct a Potential Confound Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. VOL 15(PART 1), 101-107

KAUFMANN, C., SCHULD, A., POLLMACHER, T. and AUER, D. P., 2002. Reduced cortical gray matter in narcolepsy: Preliminary findings with voxel-based morphometry Neurology. VOL 58(PART 12), 1852-1855

KRAFT, E., TRENKWALDER, C. and AUER, D. P., 2002. T2*-weighted MRI differentiates multiple system atrophy from Parkinson's disease Neurology. VOL 59(PART 8), 1265-1267

KAISER, MARCUS, 2002. Computersimulation der visuellen Lokalisation während sakkadischer Augenbewegung

MARSHALL, P., SNAAR, J.E., NG, Y.L., BOWTELL, R.W., HAMPSON, F.C., DETTMAR, P.W. and MELIA, C.D., 2001. A novel application of NMR microscopy: measurement of water diffusion inside bioadhesive bonds Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 19(3-4), 487-488

BOWTELL, R.W., GUTTERIDGE, S. and RAMANATHAN, C., 2001. Imaging the long-range dipolar field in structured liquid state samples Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 150(2), 147-155

TRULSSON, M., FRANCIS, S.T., KELLY, E.F., WESTLING, G., BOWTELL, R.W. and MCGLONE, F., 2001. Cortical responses to single mechanoreceptive afferent microstimulation revealed with fMRI Neuroimage. 13(4), 613-622

O'DOHERTY, J., ROLLS, E.T., FRANCIS, S., BOWTELL, R. and MCGLONE, F., 2001. Representation of pleasant and aversive taste in the human brain Journal of Neurophysiology. 85(3), 1315-1321

RAMANATHAN, C. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2001. Dynamics of the nuclear magnetic resonance COSY-revamped by asymmetric z-gradients (CRAZED) experiment Journal of Chemical Physics. 114(24), 10854-10859

SLEIGH, A., FRANCIS, S., MCGLONE, F., KELLY, E., GOWLAND, P. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2001. Effect of frequency of vibrotactile stimulation on the brain response measured using fMRI Neuroimage. 13(6), S1254-S1254

HE, J., FRANCIS, S., HILLEBRAND, A., BARNES, G.R., BOWTELL, R.W., FURLONG, P.L. and MORRIS, P.G., 2001. Spatial comparison between fMRI and MEG studies on human somatosensory brain function Neuroimage. 13(6), S15-S15

BARNES, G., FRANCIS, S., HILLEBRAND, A., HE, J.B., FURLONG, P., BOWTELL, R.W., SINGH, K., HOLLIDAY, I. and MORRIS, P., 2001. The spatial relationship between event-related changes in cortical synchrony and the haemodynamic response: an MEG-fMRI study Neuroimage. 13(6), S71-S71

ROLLS, E.T., KRINGELBACH, R.L., O'DOHERTY, J., FRANCIS, S., BOWTELL, R.W. and MCGLONE, F., 2001. Pleasant and painful touch are represented in the human orbitofrontal cortex Neuroimage. 13(6), S468-S468

FRANCIS, S., SUMMERS, I., CLEMENCE, M., MCGLONE, F., CHANTER, C. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2001. An fMRI study of brain activation due to tactile motion Neuroimage. 13(6), S1166-S1166
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