Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


HALL, D.A., HAGGARD, M.P., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., AKEROYD, M.A., PALMER, A.R. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2001. Functional magnetic resonance imaging measurements of sound-level encoding in the absence of background scanner noise Acoustical Society of America. Journal. 109(4), 1559-1570

MARCIANI, L., GOWLAND, P.A., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A., MANOJ, P., WRIGHT, J., SMITH, A., YOUNG, P., MOORE, R. and SPILLER, R.C., 2001. Assessment of antral grinding of a model solid meal with echo-planar imaging. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 280(5), G844-G849

MARCIANI, L., YOUNG, P., WRIGHT, J., MOORE, R., COLEMAN, N., GOWLAND, P. A. and SPILLER, R. C., 2001. Antral motility measurements by magnetic resonance imaging Neurogastroenterology and Motility. VOL 13(PART 5), 511-518

MARCIANI, L., GOWLAND, P. A., SPILLER, R. C., MANOJ, P., MOORE, R. J., YOUNG, P. and FILLERY-TRAVIS, A. J., 2001. Effect of meal viscosity and nutrients on satiety, intragastric dilution, and emptying assessed by MRI AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY - GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER PHYSIOLOGY. 280(6), G1227-G1233

MOORE, R.J., VADEYAR, S., FULFORD, J., TYLER, D.J., GRIBBEN, C., BAKER, P.N., JAMES, D. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2001. Antenatal determination of fetal brain activity in response to an acoustic stimulus using functional magnetic resonance imaging Human Brain Mapping. 12(2), 94-99

PECK, K.K., SUNDERLAND, A., PETERS, A.M., BUTTERWORTH, S., CLARK, P. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2001. Cerebral activation during a simple force production task: changes in the time course of the haemodynamic response NeuroReport. 12(13), 2813-2816

DUNCAN, K.R., SAHOTA, D.S., GOWLAND, P.A., MOORE, R., CHANG, A., BAKER, P.N. and JOHNSON, I.R., 2001. Multilevel modeling of fetal and placental growth using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation. 8(5), 285-290

COLEMAN, N.S., MARCIANI, L., BLACKSHAW, P.E., GOWLAND, P.A., PERKINS, A.C. and SPILLER, R.C., 2001. MKC-733, a selective 5-HT receptor agonist, stimulates small bowel transit and relxes the gastric fundus in man In: Proceedings of the AGA.

MOORE, R. J., STRACHAN, B., TYLER, D. J., BAKER, P. N. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2001. In Vivo Diffusion Measurements as an Indication of Fetal Lung Maturation Using Echo Planar Imaging at 0.5T Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 45(2), 247-253

NEWTON,J., FRANCIS,S., SLEIGH,A., SUNDERLAND,A. and GOWLAND,P., 2001. Use of multi-echo functional MR imaging to assess somatosensory activation Neuroimage. 13(6 (Supplement 1)), 918

MARCIANI,L., LITTLE,S.L., COLEMAN,N., YOUNG,P., TYLER,D., SNEE,J., JOLLIFFE,I.G., DETTMAR,P.W., GOWLAND,P.A. and SPILLER,R.C., 2001. In vivo visualisation of Gaviscon alginate rafts using echo- planar magnetic resonance imaging Gut. 48(Suppl 1), A36-A36 130

L MARCIANI, C RAMANATHAN, DJ TYLER, P YOUNG, P MANOJ, M WICKHAM, A FILLERY-TRAVIS, RC SPILLER AND PA GOWLAND., 2001. Fat emulsification measured using the transverse relaxation time. J. Magn. Reson.. 152, 1-6

LENNOX, BR, PARK, B, JONES, PB, PETERS, A, HALL, D, AKEROYD, M and MORRIS, PG, 2001. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of receptive auditory function in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. 49(1-2), 180-180

AUER, D. P., PUTZ, B., GOSSL, C., ELBEL, G.-K., GASSER, T. and DICHGANS, M., 2001. Differential Lesion Patterns in CADASIL and Sporadic Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy: MR Imaging Study with Statistical Parametric Group Comparison Radiology. 218(2), 443-451

AUER, D. P., SCHIRMER, T., HEIDENREICH, J. O., HERZOG, J., PUTZ, B. and DICHGANS, M., 2001. Altered white and gray matter metabolism in CADASIL: A proton MR spectroscopy and H-1-MRSI study Neurology. 56(5), 635-642
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