Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


O'DOHERTY, J., ROLLS, E.T., FRANCIS, S., BOWTELL, R.W., MCGLONE, F., KOBAL, G., RENNER, B. and AHNE, G., 2000. Sensory-specific satiety-related olfactory activation of the human orbitofrontal cortex NeuroReport. 11(2), 399-403

HYKIN, J.L., LUDMAN, C.N., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., HALL, D., ELLIOTT, M., FOSTER, J., BOWTELL, R.W. and MORRIS, P.G., 2000. Lipreading ability and patterns of cortical activation studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging British Journal of Audiology. 34, 225-230

BOWTELL, R.W. and BOWLEY, R.M., 2000. Analytic calculations of the E-fields induced by time-varying magnetic fields generated by cylindrical gradient coils Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 44(5), 782-790

FOSTER, J.R., HALL, D.A., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., PALMER, A.R. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2000. Sound-level measurements and calculations of safe noise dosage during EPI at 3 T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 12(1), 157-163

HALL, D.A., HAGGARD, M.P., AKEROVD, M.A., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., PALMER, A.R., ELLIOTT, M.R. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2000. Modulation and task effects in auditory processing measured using fMRI Human Brain Mapping. 10(3), 107-119

HUDSON, A.M., KÖCKENBERGER, W. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2000. Open access birdcage coils for microscopic imaging of plants at 11.7 T. MAGMA. 10(2), 69-74

HUDSON, A.M., KÖCKENBERGER, W. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2000. Dual resonant birdcage coils for 1H detected 13C microscopic imaging at 11.7 T. MAGMA. 10(2), 61-68

HALL, D.A., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., GONÇALVES, M.S., FOSTER, J.R., PALMER, A.R. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2000. Time-course of the auditory BOLD response to scanner noise Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 43(4), 601-606

KOROLEV, A.V., TOMOS, A.D., BOWTELL, R.W. and FARRAR, J.F., 2000. Spatial and temporal distribution of solutes in the developing carrot taproot measured at single-cell resolution Journal of Experimental Botany. 51(344), 567-578

LUDMAN, C.N., SUMMERFIELD, A.Q., HALL, D., ELLIOTT, M., FOSTER, J., HYKIN, J.L., BOWTELL, R.W. and MORRIS, P.G., 2000. Lip-reading ability and patterns of cortical activation studied using fMRI British Journal of Audiology. 34(4), 225-230

MARCIANI, L., GOWLAND, P. A., SPILLER, R. C., MANOJ, P., MOORE, R. J., YOUNG, P., AL-SAHAB, S., BUSH, D., WRIGHT, J. and FILLERY-TRAVIS, A. J., 2000. Gastric response to increased meal viscosity assessed by echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging in humans Journal of Nutrition. 130(1), 122-127

MARCIANI, L., YOUNG, P., WRIGHT, J., MOORE, R. J., EVANS, D. F., SPILLER, R. C. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2000. Echoplanar imaging in GI clinical practice: assessment of gastric emptying and antral motility in four patients Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 12(2), 343-346

VADEYAR, S H, MOORE, R J, STRACHAN, B K, GOWLAND, P A, SHAKESPEARE, S A, JAMES, D K, JOHNSON, I R and BAKER, P N, 2000. Effect of fetal magnetic resonance imaging on fetal heart rate patterns. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 182(3), 666-9

MOORE, R. J., STRACHAN, B. K., TYLER, D. J., DUNCAN, K. R., BAKER, P. N., WORTHINGTON, B. S., JOHNSON, I. R. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2000. In utero Perfusing Fraction Maps in Normal and Growth Restricted Pregnancy Measured Using IVIM Echo-Planar MRI Placenta. 21(7), 726-732

VADEYAR, SH., MOORE, R.J., GRIBBIN, C., BAKER, P.N., JAMES, D.K. and GOWLAND, P.A, 2000. Fetal functional magnetic resonance imaging In: Blair Bell Research Society. 824
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