Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


CLEMENTS, H, DUNCAN, K R, FIELDING, K, GOWLAND, P A, JOHNSON, I R and BAKER, P N, 2000. Infants exposed to MRI in utero have a normal paediatric assessment at 9 months of age. British Journal of Radiology. 73(866), 190-4

AUER DP, SCHUMANN EM, KÜMPFEL T, GÖSSL C and TRENKWALDER C, 2000. Seasonal Fluctuations Of Gadolinium-Enhancing Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lesions In Multiple Sclerosis. Annals of Neurology. 47(2), 276-7

KÜMPFEL T, LECHNER C, AUER D, KRAFT E, LYDTIN H and TRENKWALDER C, 2000. Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus With Marked Neuropsychiatric Manifestations And Mri Changes After Treatment Of Hypercalcaemia. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 102(5), 337-9

WINKELMANN J, WETTER TC, TRENKWALDER C and AUER DP, 2000. Periodic Limb Movements In Syringomyelia And Syringobulbia. Movement Disorders : Official Journal Of The Movement Disorder Society. 15(4), 752-3

SPRINGER S, ERLEWEIN R, NAEGELE T, BECKER I, AUER D, GRODD W and KRÄGELOH-MANN I, 2000. Alexander Disease--Classification Revisited And Isolation Of A Neonatal Form. Neuropediatrics. 31(2), 86-92

AUER DP, PÜTZ B, KRAFT E, LIPINSKI B, SCHILL J and HOLSBOER F, 2000. Reduced Glutamate In The Anterior Cingulate Cortex In Depression: An In Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study. Biological Psychiatry. 47(4), 305-13

KAMPE KK, JONES RA and AUER DP, 2000. Frequency Dependence Of The Functional Mri Response After Electrical Median Nerve Stimulation. Human Brain Mapping. 9(2), 106-14


GÖSSL C, AUER DP and FAHRMEIR L, 2000. Dynamic Models In Fmri. Magnetic Resonance In Medicine : Official Journal Of The Society Of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine / Society Of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine. 43(1), 72-81

DAMION, RA, PACKER, KJ, SORBIE, KS and MCDOUGALL, SR, 2000. Pore-scale network modelling of flow propagators derived from pulsed magnetic field gradient spin echo NMR measurements in porous media CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 55(24), 5981-5998

PETERS, A.M. and BOWTELL, R.W., 1999. Resolution in high field echo planar microscopy Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 137(1), 196-205

BOWTELL, R.W. and PETERS, A., 1999. Analytic approach to the design of transverse gradient coils with co-axial return paths Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 41(3), 600-608

BOWTELL, R and PETERS, A, 1999. Analytic approach to the design of transverse gradient coils with co-axial return paths MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE. 41(3), 600-608

PETERS, AM and BOWTELL, R, 1999. Resolution in high field echo planar microscopy JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 137(1), 196-205

HYKIN, J., MOORE, R., DUNCAN, K., CLARE, S., BAKER, P., JOHNSON, I., BOWTELL, R.W., MANSFIELD, P. and GOWLAND, P., 1999. Fetal brain activity demonstrated by functional magnetic resonance imaging Lancet. 354(9179), 645-646
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