Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


KALISCH, R., ELBEL, G.-K., GOSSL, C., CZISCH, M. and AUER, D. P., 2001. Blood Pressure Changes Induced by Arterial Blood Withdrawal Influence Bold Signal in Anesthesized Rats at 7 Tesla: Implications for Pharmacologic MRI Neuroimage. VOL 14(PART 4), 891-898

GOSSL, C., FAHRMEIR, L. and AUER, D. P., 2001. Bayesian Modeling of the Hemodynamic Response Function in BOLD fMRI Neuroimage. VOL 14(PART 1), 140-148

JAKSCH, M., HORVATH, R., HORN, N., AUER, D. P., MACMILLAN, C., PETERS, J., GERBITZ, K.-D., KRAEGELOH-MANN, I., MUNTAU, A. and KARCAGI, V., 2001. Homozygosity (E140K) in SCO2 causes delayed infantile onset of cardiomyopathy and neuropathy Neurology. VOL 57(PART 8), 1440-1446

AUER, D. P., WILKE, M., GRABNER, A., HEIDENREICH, J. O., BRONISCH, T. and WETTER, T. C., 2001. Reduced NAA in the thalamus and altered membrane and glial metabolism in schizophrenic patients detected by 1H-MRS and tissue segmentation Schizophrenia Research. VOL 52(NUMBER 1-2), 87-99

KAUFMANN, C., ELBEL, G.-K., GOSSL, C., PUTZ, B. and AUER, D. P., 2001. Frequency Dependence and Gender Effects in Visual Cortical Regions Involved in Temporal Frequency Dependent Pattern Processing Human Brain Mapping. VOL 14(PART 1), 28-38

GOSSL, C., AUER, D. P. and FAHRMEIR, L., 2001. Bayesian Spatiotemporal Inference in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biometrics. VOL 57(PART 2), 554-562

WILKE, M., EIDENSCHINK, A., MULLER-WEIHRICH, S. and AUER, D. P., 2001. MR diffusion imaging and ^1H spectroscopy in a child with medulloblastoma. A case report Acta Radiologica. VOL 42(PART 1), 39-42

CZISCH, M., COPPACK, T., BERTHOLD, P. and AUER, D. P., 2001. In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of the reproductive organs in a passerine bird species Journal of Avian Biology. VOL 32(PART 3), 278-280

WILKE, M., KAUFMANN, C., GRABNER, A., PUTZ, B., WETTER, T. C. and AUER, D. P., 2001. Gray Matter-Changes and Correlates of Disease Severity in Schizophrenia: A Statistical Parametric Mapping Study Neuroimage. VOL 13(PART 5), 814-824

AUER, D. P., GOSSL, C., SCHIRMER, T. and CZISCH, M., 2001. Improved Analysis of 1H-MR Spectra in the Presence of Mobile Lipids Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. VOL 46(PART 3), 615-618

BLUMICH, B, CALLAGHAN, PT, DAMION, RA, HAN, S, KHRAPITCHEV, AA, PACKER, KJ and STAPF, S, 2001. Two-dimensional NMR of velocity exchange: VEXSY and SERPENT JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE. 152(1), 162-167

MARTIN, ROBERT, KAISER, MARCUS, ANDRAS, PETER and YOUNG, MALCOLM P., 2001. Is the Brain a Scale-Free Network? At: San Diego, US

MOORE, R.J., ISSA, B., TOKARCZUK, P., DUNCAN, K.R., BOULBY, P.A., BAKER, P.N., BOWTELL, R.W., WORTHINGTON, B.S., JOHNSON, I.R. and GOWLAND, P.A, 2000. In vivo intravoxel incoherent motion measurements in the human placenta using echo-planar imaging at 0.5T Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 43(2), 295-302

O'DOHERTY, J., ROLLS, E.T., FRANCIS, S., BOWTELL, R.W., MCGLONE, F., KOBAL, G, RENNER, B. and AHNE, G., 2000. Sensory-specific satiety-related olfactory activation of the human orbitofrontal cortex NeuroReport. 11(4), 893-897

FRANCIS, S.T., KELLY, E.F., BOWTELL, R.W., DUNSEATH, W.J., FOLGER, S.E. and MCGLONE, F., 2000. FMRI of the responses to vibratory stimulation of digit tips Neuroimage. 11(3), 188-202
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