Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


GOWLAND, P., FRANCIS, S., MORRIS, P. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2002. Watching the brain at work Physics World. 15(12), 31-36

BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R.W. and BOWLEY, R.M., 2002. Electric fields induced in a spherical volume conductor by temporally varying magnetic field gradients Physics in Medicine and Biology. 47(4), 557-576

RAMANATHAN, C. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2002. NMR imaging and structure measurements using the long-range dipolar field in liquids Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. VOL 66(PART 4), 041201, 1-10

MCGLONE, F., KELLY, E.F., TRULSSON, M., FRANCIS, S.T, WESTLING, G. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2002. Functional neuroimaging studies of human somatosensory cortex Behavioural Brain Research. 135(1-2), 147-158

GUTTERIDGE, S., RAMANATHAN, C. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2002. Mapping the absolute value of M~o using dipolar field effects Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 47(5), 871-879

NEWTON, J., SUNDERLAND, A., BUTTERWORTH, S.E., PETERS, A.M., PECK, K.K. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2002. A pilot study of event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging of monitored wrist movements in patients with partial recovery Stroke. 33(12), 2881-2887

JAMES, D.K., VADEYAR, S.H., BAKER, P.N., FULFORD, J., MOORE, R.J. and GOWLAND, P.A, 2002. Abstract: The response of the human fetus to sound and light In: IVth RANZCOG/Vth RCOG International Conference.

VADEYAR, S.H., FULFORD, J., MOORE, R.J., DODAMPAHALA,?., GOWLAND, P.A., BAKER, P.N. and JAMES, D.K, 2002. Abstract: Fetal functional magnetic resonance imaging response to stimuli In: Joint Scientific Meeting BAPM & BMFMS. 9

L MARCIANI, SL LITTLE, J SNEE, NS COLEMAN, DJ TYLER, J SYKES, IG JOLLIFFE, PW DETTMAR, RC SPILLER AND PA GOWLAND., 2002. Echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging of Gaviscon alginate rafts in vivo. J. Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 54, 1351-1356

ALWATBAN, A.Z., LUDMAN, C.N., MASON, S.M., O'DONOGHUE, G.M., PETERS, A.M. and MORRIS, P.G., 2002. A method for the direct electrical stimulation of the auditory system in deaf subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 16(1), 6-12

SCHUMANN, E. M., KUMPFEL, T., BERGH, F. T., TRENKWALDER, C., HOLSBOER, F. and AUER, D. P., 2002. Activity of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Multiple Sclerosis: Correlations with Gadolinium-Enhancing Lesions and Ventricular Volume Annals of Neurology. 51(6), 763-766

CZISCH, M., WETTER, T. C., KAUFMANN, C., POLLMACHER, T., HOLSBOER, F. and AUER, D. P., 2002. Altered Processing of Acoustic Stimuli during Sleep: Reduced Auditory Activation and Visual Deactivation Detected by a Combined fMRI/EEG Study Neuroimage. VOL 16(PART 1), 251-258

GOSSL, C., FAHRMEIR, L., PUTZ, B., AUER, L. M. and AUER, D. P., 2002. Fiber Tracking from DTI Using Linear State Space Models: Detectability of the Pyramidal Tract Neuroimage. VOL 16(PART 2), 378-388

MURCK, H., STRUTTMANN, T., CZISCH, M., WETTER, T., STEIGER, A. and AUER, D. P., 2002. Increase in Amino Acids in the Pons after Sleep Deprivation: A Pilot Study Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Neuropsychobiology. VOL 45(PART 3), 120-123

WISMULLER, A., LANGE, O., DERSCH, D. R., LEINSINGER, G. L., HAHN, K., PUTZ, B. and AUER, D., 2002. Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series International Journal of Computer Vision. VOL 46(PART 2), 103-128
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