Sports and Exercise Medicine

Sports and Exercise Medicine research group

Aims and expertise

In this research group, we focus on understanding the association between physical activity, obesity and disease, such as obesity and osteoarthritis. We also undertake significant research in high performance sport, to improve performance and minimise recovery time from injury.





Research issues

It is vital that people are sufficiently active in order to promote good health. However the majority of the UK population are not; only 40% of men and 28% of women meet the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of thirty minutes of moderate physical activity at least five times a week. This has significant social, economic and medical implications.

As well as sport and exercise medicine for public health research, we also recognise the importance of our work for ‘weekend warriors’ and high performance athletes. In the wake of the 2012 Olympics, Rio 2016 already beckons and it is important that we help our athletes to achieve their best--by minimising injury incidence, reducing recovery times and time away from training, and improving their performance, across a multitude of sports.


Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis

We are collaborating in the newly awarded Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis, which is based primarily in Nottingham and Oxford and began activities in 2013.

more about this centre



Sports and Exercise Medicine education

We are at the forefront of Sports and Exercise Medicine education in the UK.

more about our MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine


Elite sports involvements

Our staff, students and graduates are actively involved in looking after sports teams and elite athletes and undertaking research into injury prevention and injury epidemiology in sports. 

more about our 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games involvement











Sports and Exercise Medicine Group

School of Medicine
The University of Nottingham
Queen's Medical Centre, C Floor, West Block
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1111