Tobacco and Alcohol Research

Patient and public involvement

We value input from patients and the wider public; their views have informed our plans since we began thinking about the N-READY programme and we will continue to seek these throughout the research. Patient and public involvement (PPI) is led and coordinated by a PPI co-applicant and research team member who is supported by the research team. Ongoing involvement is achieved through a PPI Advisory Panel made up of three women who have past experience of smoking in pregnancy or a personal interest in the topic.

Meaningful PPI takes time, thought, and resources. Working with our PPI Advisory Panel, we have developed a PPI Plan. We provide PPI contributors with regular updates on how the programme is progressing and they are consulted where a patient and public perspective on an issue might be needed. Along with ensuring study documentation is participant friendly and ethical, our PPI Advisory Panel will also be involved in analysing the data, shaping the intervention development and helping to share study the findings. 

An opportunity to join our PPI Panel

We are looking for a new member to join the N-READY Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Panel. The panel provides a public perspective on our research activities, such as advising on the best ways to involve participants and helping to design study resources. Most involvement is by email/telephone but we also meet once a year at the University of Nottingham.

As the study focuses on smoking in pregnancy, we are looking to recruit a PPI member who has first-hand experience relevant to this topic - and an enthusiasm and willingness to take part in discussions.

We are able to offer payment for people’s time (University of Nottingham rates), along with reimbursement of expenses.  

If you are interested, please contact Lisa McDaid on 01603 597766 or by email at





Tobacco and Alcohol research

The University of Nottingham

email:Chris Hill