Project team
We are a group of 8 researchers working within the discipline of geography at the Universities of Nottingham, Aberystwyth, Glasgow and Liverpool. Together we have expertise in both human and physical geographical research methods and prior experience of investigating historical weather and climate. Georgina Endfield is the primary investigator for the project. She is joined by 4 co-investigators: Sarah Davies, Cerys Jones, Simon Naylor, and Neil Macdonald, and 3 post-doctoral research associates: Lucy Veale, Marie-Jeanne Royer and James Bowen. Please see our project team page for more details.
Partner organisations
The project team are working alongside respresentatives from 3 partner organisations: Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE), English Heritage, and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). The Climate Change Consortium for Wales (C3W) is also supporting the project. The project team is collaborating with these non academic organisations at all stages of the research process, from the identification of historical sources and facilitation of access to archival collections and data, to research dissemination and public engagement through the production of educational resources, public talks and an interactive touring exhbition. Please see our partner organisations page for more details.
Project details
'Spaces of experience and horizons of expectation: the implications of extreme weather events, past, present and future' is a three year study funded by the AHRC under their priority theme ‘Care for the future : thinking forward through the past’. The title of the project is based on work by Reinhart Koselleck: Futures past: on the semantics of historical time, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1985.
The project runs from December 2013 to December 2016 and represents an investigation of extreme weather events in the UK. Please see our research pages for full details.