Health and Safety

Health and Safety Training

Training helps staff and students to be competent in the University tasks they undertake.

It is therefore important to ensure everyone's health and safety training needs have been identified and the training undertaken to a satisfactory standard with refreshment opportunities as appropriate.

Health and safety training may be very general and applicable to all, e.g. induction, fire safety; it may be skills-based, e.g. safe use of ladders, learning how to do a risk assessment; or it can be job-specific, e.g. training in a lab procedure or use of work equipment.

Some H&S training will be mandatory with a set timeframe for refresher, some will be be useful and support an individual's development. Click on the options below to learn more.

training induction


UoN Induction resources and local induction requirements


General H&S Training

Training available centrally - classroom, virtual and e-learning


Job or task-specific training

Fulfilling job or taks-specific training needs


University H&S Management Arrangement for Training and Competency

For managers and HSCs - University requirements for training, competency-attainment and record keeping



Health and Safety Department

Pharmacy Building (Building 63)
University Park
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Telephone: Telephone: +44 (0)115 9513401
Email: h&