An online journal of film and television studies: ISSN 1465-9166
University of Nottingham

February 2001

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Book Reviews

Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in its Golden Age by Michael Barrier
Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Animation edited by Kevin S. Sandler
A Review by George S. Larke

Cat People by Kim Newman
The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film edited by Barry Keith Grant
A Review by Steven Schneider

Deconstructing Disney by Eleanor Byrne and Martin McQuillan
A Review by Annalee R. Ward

Global Television and Film: An Introduction to the Economics of the Business by Colin Hoskins, Stuart McFadyen and Adam Finn
A Review by Martin Flanagan

The Magic Mirror: Moviemaking in Russia 1908-1918 by Denise J. Youngblood
A Review by Birgit Beumers

Media in Global Context: A Reader edited by Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi, Dwayne Winseck, Jim McKenna and Oliver Boyd-Barrett
A Review by Katrina Daly Thompson

Politics and Popular Culture by John Street
A Review by Pedro Nunes

The Art of Record: A Critical Introduction to Documentary by John Corder
Doing Documentary Work by Robert Coles
A Review by Anthony B. Chan

Re-Viewing Reception: Television, Gender and Postmodern Culture by Lynne Joyrich
A Review by Sarah A. Matheson

Shane by Edward Countryman and Evonne von Heussen-Countryman
A Review by Jo Eadie

Visual Culture: The Reader edited by Jessica Evans and Stuart Hall
A Review by Francis Frascina

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Film Reviews

All film reviews

Beau Travail (dir. Claire Denis, 1999)

A Review by Dayna Oscherwitz


China Gate (dir. Rajkumar Santoshi, 1998)

A Review by Andrew Grossman


Chopper (dir. Andrew Dominik, 2000)

A Review by Kate Egan


Hollow Man (dir. Paul Verhoeven, 2000)

A Review by Marlon Kuzmick


Nurse Betty (dir. Neil LaBute, 2000)

A Review by Jacob R. Smith


The Cell (dir. Tarsem Singh, 2000)

 A Review by Lisa K. Perdigao


The Thomas Crown Affair (dir. John McTiernan, 1999) —

A Review by Mark Jancovich


Titus (dir. Julie Taymor, 1999)

A Review by Pascale Aebischer


What Lies Beneath (dir. Robert Zemeckis, 2000)

A Review by Phillip Serrato


X-Men (dir. Bryan Singer, 2000)

A Review by Keith McDonald

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Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies
University of Nottingham
