Setting up your web publishing account.
Setting up a new web publishing
username - running webinit However you write and publish web pages, you need to follow these steps to prepare your University web account for the first time you publish.
Using Dreamweaver to publish your web site.
Defining a site in Dreamweaver If you're using Dreamweaver to edit your web pages, here's how to set up initial details about your new or existing web site.
Setting up publishing details in Dreamweaver If you're using Dreamweaver to publish as well as edit your pages, then you'll need to set up some details about the University's web server and your web account.
Publishing your web site Once you've set up your web publishing account, defined your site in Dreamweaver, and included your web publishing details, you are ready to publish your web site to the University's web server. Here's how.
Using WS_FTP to publish your web site.
Setting up a session profile in WS_FTP If you're not using Dreamweaver, you will need to use a package like WS_FTP to publish your web pages (what's WS_FTP?), and you will need to enter some details about the University's web server and your web account.
Using Dreamweaver templates You can use templates to create documents with a common structure and/or appearance
1) Creating
a template
2) Making
a new page based on a template
3) Changing
a template
Using Dreamweaver's Library Library items are snippets from a page that you can use in a number of your web pages. Use the Library to keep snippets that you want to re-use or that need updating frequently.
1) Creating and using Library items
2) Editing Library items
Working with images
an image using PaintShop Pro Making an image's dimensions (and therefore filesize) smaller.
an image transparent with PaintShop Pro If the background colour is transparent, the image may blend better with your page.
Optimising an image using PaintShop Pro Optimising includes compressing the image by reducing image quality and setting it to download progressively.
Linking one image to another using Dreamweaver Linking a small version of an image (a thumbnail) to a larger version using Dreamweaver. You could use thi stechnique to allow users to choose whether or not to download a large image from a page of thumbnails.
Maintaining your web site with Dreamweaver's tools
Running Dreamweaver reports Dreamweaver's reports can help you find Untitled pages, missing alt tags in your images and more.
Checking for broken links Use the Check Links facility to find all your broken links.
Checking for orphaned pages Orphaned pages are those that are not linked to in your web site. The pages should be deleted if not required, or linked to if intended to be a part of your site.
Find and replace text Find instances of a word or phrase in your web pages and replace with an alternative on one page, in one folder, or throughout the whole site.