School of Sociology and Social Policy

Welcome to the School of Sociology and Social Policy

We are a leading UK school for sociology, criminology, social policy and social work. Our courses offer you the opportunity to explore how societies work - and what can be done when they don't.

Athena Swan Bronze award

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Latest news

Professor Grundman Keynote at the University of Salamanca

We are pleased to share news of a recent international Keynote by Professor Reiner Grundmann. Reiner's talk entitled 'The Many Faces of Expertise' was presented at the University of Salamanca, Spain, in February.
28 March 2025

Upcoming events

WHSCR seminar

02 July 2025 (12:00-13:00)
B55, Law and Social Sciences, University Park
Wellbeing, Health and Social Care Research Centre seminar.

Positionality and Researcher reflexivity

02 September 2025 (12:00-13:00)
B55, Law and Social Sciences, University Park
An ECR focused event but open to all, delivered by Victoria Cluley and Brenda Poku.

Making Science Public

Compound weather: Some linguistic musings

You might have heard of a ‘compound fracture’ or of ‘compound interest’ or even, if you are a linguist, of a ‘compound noun’ (nouns consisting of more than one noun). But have you come across ‘compound weather’? I recently came across this expression when looking at some extreme weather disasters which were compounded by compound ...

The post Compound weather: Some linguistic musings appeared first on Making Science Public.



School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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