School of Sociology and Social Policy

 Centre for Social Work Staff

Image of Cath Williams

Cath Williams

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences



Cath Williams has a sustained background in community development work and community education. Among her activities is her assistance in the development of self-help groups for women fleeing intimate partner violence and carrying out needs-led research with local community groups. Cath worked as an oral historian and supervised an oral history archive of African Caribbean community narratives and this activated her passion for qualitative research methods. Cath qualified as a social worker from Ruskin College, Oxford. As a social worker she worked in a number of Local Authorities with adult service users in hospitals and in the community across both learning disability and mental health settings. Cath's primary specialism was in mainstream child protection and also with disabled children.She completed her MA in Education (Human Relations) at the University of Nottingham. Cath worked as a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Derby and has worked at the Centre for Social Work in the School of Sociology and Social Policy since 2016.

Expertise Summary

Cath's social work expertise has been in the field of child protection. She has been active in promoting the voice of the disabled child and other marginalised children.

Cath is a member of the UK Social Work Education Teaching and Learning Committee and a member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Social Work.

Cath has contributed to two publications on advocacy for children:

NSPCC/VOICE UK (2005). Speaking Out: A guide for advocates for children and young people with learning disabilities. London: NSPCC.

Contributor to Chapter 5 in: MILLER, D & LENAHAN, C (2003). It doesn't happen to disabled children: Child Protection and Disabled Children. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON CHILD PROTECTION & DISABILITY. London: NSPCC.

Teaching Summary

Cath has a wide area of teaching interests both within and around the disciplines of sociology and social policy. Within social work this has included child protection and safeguarding, she has… read more

Research Summary

Dr Williams has completed a PhD exploring the impact of migration on family relationships. She is particularly interested in the separation and reunification of Caribbean families.

In 2022 Cath worked as co-investigator on an ESRC funded project with Dr Siobhan Laird to develop an online CPD Cultural Competency & Safeguarding Children e-learning resource.

Recent Publications

  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Cultural Competence for Child Protection Practitioners Child and family social work.

2023 - present - External Examiner BScH Social care, Justice and Recovery

2016 - Present - Member of BME Staff Network, University of Nottingham

2018 - 2022 - External Examiner MSc Social Work, University of Lincoln

2014 - External Panel member for BSc Health and Social Care validation event University of Newham

2013 - Academic Member East Midlands Munro Leadership Programme, National College, Nottingham

2012 - External Panel Member of Social Work Validation Event at Leeds Beckett University

2008 - 2015 Chairperson of University of Derby Race Equality Group

2006 - External Panel Member of Foundation Degree validation event at University of Worcester.

Cath has a wide area of teaching interests both within and around the disciplines of sociology and social policy. Within social work this has included child protection and safeguarding, she has taught on a range of module including theories and methods of social work, focused on motivational interviewing, systems and ecosystems perspectives, anti-oppressive practice and empowerment. Cath has taught modules on social work assessment, mental health and disability and counselling. Cath has taught Independent studies at Undergraduate level as well as supervised Post-graduate dissertation students.

Past Research

Cath conducted oral history interviews with African Caribbean older women on their childhood. She previously supervised an Oral History Project recording over 100 interviews with 1st generation African Caribbean older people in Bradford.

Future Research

Cath is very interested in student experiences within higher education. She has previous conducted focus groups with BAME students about their experiences of belonging and has plans to follow up this research exploring decolonisation with the social work curriculum.

  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Cultural Competence for Child Protection Practitioners Child and family social work.

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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