Workshop on Narrative Productions and Special Issue Launch

A2 Law and Social Sciences Building, University Park
Friday 16th June 2023 (10:00-16:00)
Registration URL

You are warmly invited to join us for Narrative Productions and Special Issue Launch - Workshop. 

This one-day workshop at the University of Nottingham will introduce the basic notions behind the methodology of Narrative Productions (NP). Drawing inspiration from Donna Haraway’s feminist epistemology of situated knowledge, NP are hybrid texts produced as a result of a series of meetings between researchers and participants. These conversations are then turned into a text that develops the participant’s view of a given phenomenon until both parties agree on the final result.

In this, the methodology seeks to challenge common assumptions of participatory methodologies that intend to ‘give voice’ to participants of research. Rather, it seeks to go further by including the embodied exchanges and ethical tensions that take place in these encounters as valid sources of knowledge. Because of this, the methodology is both a source of knowledge and an intervention in itself.

In the two decades since it was first developed in Barcelona, Spain, Narrative Productions have been used in engaged research and social intervention (investigacción), triggering reflectivity and diffracting our views on social movements, social policies and social work, gender and sexual diversity, and feminisms, among other topics, in the Spanish State and Latin America.

The workshop, featuring a hands-on session in which participants will be able to experiment with NP, will carried out on the occasion of the Special Issue (SI) launch devoted to the methodology in Qualitative Research in Psychology. It will be facilitated by the three co-editors of the SI, Dr. Álvaro Ramírez-March, visiting researcher at the School of Sociology and Social Policy at UoN during 2023; together with two invited guests, Dr. Marisela Montenegro (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), and Dr. Giazú Enciso Domínguez (University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA).


  • 10am-12 noon - Morning session: Overview of the methodology
  • 12noon - 1pm - Lunch break
  • 1-4pm - Hands-on workshop on NP

This event is led by visiting academic, Álvaro Ramirez March. 

Álvaro Ramírez-March holds PhD from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in which he worked on the ambivalent effects of migrant solidarity movements after the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015. His main areas of interest are critical border and migration studies, social movements, affect, memory, and qualitative and participatory methodologies. 

Ecological reparation in the face of border violence

Legal activists are currently arguing for the use of Enforced Disappearance (ED), an international legislation that captures the importance of the social fabric from which lives are violently torn, to hold European States accountable for migrant death and disappearance at its borders. This postdoc project explores the uses of ED as part of wider practices of ecological reparation, an interconnection of materialities in which the harm experienced by human societies and their environment are inextricably linked.

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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