Guiding you through your exam period
We want to make sure your exams are as stress-free as possible. To help you feel prepared, it’s helpful to have a good idea of what to expect and what you need to know before your exams.
Before the exam period
- Once the exam timetable has been published, you will be able to check your timetable on SharePoint, the MyNottingham app or MyCal.
- Your exam may be in a location you do not recognise, please take a look at the campus maps, and this online guide shows you what each building looks like.
- Not able to see an exam you are expecting on your timetable? Submit an enquiry to our exams team.
On the day of your exam
- Make sure to bring photo ID to your exam such as your student ID card.
- You will need to bring your own stationery and check carefully that your calculator is on the permitted list. Take a look at our list of allowed items and non-permitted items for more information.
- Arrive at your exam location at least 15 minutes before the start time published on your exam timetable. You can arrive up to 1 hour after the exam start time, however, you will not receive any additional time to compensate if you are late. You will not be allowed to enter the exam after the first hour has passed. If the exam is less than 1 hour long, you will be allowed entry up until the exam finish time.
- During the exam, if you need any assistance, raise your hand and the invigilator will come over to your desk. If you need a toilet break, an invigilator will escort you there.
- If you finish your exam early, you can leave after the first hour has passed, but not within the last 15 minutes. For exams that are up to 1 hour long, you won’t be able to leave early.
- If you would like to provide feedback on your exam experience, please fill out this short form or email and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss your experience.
After your exam
- You will receive your exam results on Blue Castle, you will be emailed when your results are available. Result publication dates can be found on our exam outcomes and results webpage.
- In some cases, you may need to resit your exam. Typically, your next opportunity to resit your exam will be in the summer reassessment period.