To make recommendations for alternative arrangements in exams we do need supporting documentation.
This web page contains all the information you need to consider when submitting your documents in support of your request for alternative exam arrangements.
Please note, all documents must be provided in English. If a translation is required, it is your responsibility to arrange this with an accredited professional translation service.
You need to share your personal documents with the Disability Support Services Team by uploading these to NottinghamHub using the Help Centre icon.
If you are finding it difficult to get suitable letters from your medical practitioners and don’t have pre-existing diagnostic information, please read the guidance under 'Long-term health condition' below regarding the use of our Medical Evidence Form.
Full instructions on how to upload your documents to NottinghamHub
If you experience an issue with using the Chrome browser to access some aspects of NottinghamHub, please try using Microsoft Edge. Please enable pop-ups for the NottinghamHub web address to avoid error messages.
- Go to NottinghamHub
- Log in using your University username and password
- Select 'Help Centre' icon
NottinghamHub limits permission to view strictly by team. Do not select ‘Manage Documents’ as this will upload documents to the Student Recruitment team. We will be unable to view application documents.
- Select support type ‘Disability and Academic Support’
- Select support sub-type ‘Supporting information for Disability Support’
- In the Summary section, keep it brief. For example, type 'exam support' or 'information of disability'
- In the Details section, tell us what exam arrangements you require or attach 'Your Essential Information Form'.
- Select ‘Attach File(s)’
- Select your evidence document. Select 'Attach' and 'Choose file' Repeat to attach a completed 'Your Essential Information Form'.
- Select 'Done'
- Select 'Submit'
Your documents will now be available for our Operations Team to review and they will liaise with a Disability Adviser or Specialist Study Support Tutor.
Specific learning differences, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD
Formal diagnostic documents
For full access to support and reasonable adjustments, as appropriate to the individual, we accept both pre- and post-16 information from:
- An educational psychologist, specialist teacher, occupational therapist or equivalent
- An Interim Assessment Report
- EHC (Education, Health and Care) Plans
- Reports from an appropriately qualified medical practitioner
Supporting documents must include appropriate diagnostic information of the assessment carried out to identify your specific learning difference.
Other supporting information
For access to limited support and reasonable adjustments, we can consider the following documentation if it provides an indication that difficulties have been experienced and/or previous arrangements have been put in place.
- A JCQ ‘Access Arrangement’ form (a ‘Form 8’).
- A signed letter or other document from your school, college, or previous university outlining any previous test results and/or adjustments made.
- A Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH) report.
- A Disabled Students' Allowances Needs Assessment Report.
- Results from the Do-It Profiler PLUS recent written confirmation from University of Nottingham academic or welfare staff who know your work stating that your difficulties are having a demonstrably significant impact on your day-to-day life and academic work.
Documents must be provided in English. If a translation is required, it is your responsibility to arrange this with an accredited professional translation service.
We will not accept the following:
- A Meares-Irlen Syndrome assessment report.
- Results from a screening tool, such as Do-It Profiler (on its own) or QuickScan.
If you think you may have a specific learning difference but have never had a formal assessment, find out more about screenings and formal assessments.
Please email Disability Support Services if you require further information.
Long-term health condition, a mental health issue or a disability
Formal diagnostic documents need to include:
- The name of the condition
- When the condition was diagnosed/identified
- How long the condition has lasted, or is likely to last
- The main effects of the condition (such as mobility impairment or short term concentration ability)
- Any side effects of any medication or treatment
For full access to support and reasonable adjustments, as appropriate to the individual, we accept:
- Recent letters and/or clinical notes from medical practitioner consultations, which include diagnosis (name of the condition) and when the condition was identified.
- A completed Student Loan Company DSA medical form, signed by a medical practitioner.
- A completed Medical Evidence Form signed by a medical practitioner.
Recent screen shots from NHS App of any of the above will be accepted alongside a Your Essential Information Form.
Other supporting information
For limited support and reasonable adjustments we accept the following documents (recently dated):
- An Occupational Health Report.
- Letters from counselling providers or Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) services.
- Letters from medical professionals confirming referrals or appointments, discharge notes with diagnosis, or medical sick notes.
- Print out or screen shots of GP and medical consultations, showing diagnosis and timelines
- Letters showing use of secondary health services, such as a Community Mental Health Team or out-patient clinic for a medical condition.
- DSA Needs Assessment Report.
- School EHCP report that clearly shows medical evidence was assessed.
The following documents are unsuitable and will not be accepted:
- Pictures of injuries/health conditions.
- Letters from people who work in the field of complementary health practice, for example Reiki healers.
- The medical evidence of another person, for example a family member.
If evidence is not readily available, please use our Medical Evidence Form.
University of Nottingham Medical Evidence Form
The purpose of this form is to provide evidence of long-term medical conditions or disabilities for students who require Support Plans. It is not intended to be used to provide evidence of specific learning differences, like dyslexia.
We hope this form will be a useful way for students to secure evidence, especially if they are finding it hard to get suitable letters from their medical practitioners and don’t have pre-existing evidence.
It is mainly intended to be completed by GPs. However, it could also be completed by other statutory health practitioners, such as specialist nurses or doctors or other professionals (such as registered social workers or clinical psychologists) working in muti-disciplinary teams.
We also hope that funding bodies like Student Finance England will accept the form, if fully completed, for the purposes of providing evidence to apply for Disabled Student’s Allowance. As this is a new form we would welcome feedback on how this is received by funding bodies in practice.
Registered students: the team at the Cripps Medical Practice, based on University Park (Nottingham) is aware of the form and how it should be used.
Please note the form is not designed to be used as evidence of extenuating circumstances. It is for setting up a long term disability Support Plan.
Also, please be aware that although the form should be sufficient for most student Support Plans, if you have complex requirements we may need to request additional medical evidence.
Download the Medical Evidence Form
Pursuing evidence of a Autism Spectrum Conditions or ADHD
Individuals pursuing a medical identification of Autism Spectrum Conditions and/or ADHD/ADD can experience an assessment pathway that takes 12 months or more. In this situation we will consider offering limited support and reasonable adjustments with the following evidence:
- Letters from a medical practitioner, such as a consultant, GP or specialist nurse, confirming a referral or appointment for an assessment.
Recent screen shots from NHS App of the above will be accepted alongside Your Essential Information Form.