
We can discuss and explore your requirements with you to create a Support Plan that supports your individual needs.

Your Support Plan may include note-taking support in lectures, accessible course materials in alternative formats, exam support workers and alternative exam arrangements, such as exams in smaller venues, rest breaks or extra time. 

Other support that we can offer is detailed below and you can contact us by emailing Disability Support Services where you will be allocated a Disability Adviser to discuss your support with you.

  • Student life – We will help you make the most of student life by working with services such as University of Nottingham Sport, the accommodation team and the Students’ Union. This includes supporting you to bring a registered guide dog to the University and using our accessible minibus for journeys on campus and between campuses. Where appropriate, we can also provide guides to classes and orientation support.
  • Services and networks – We can outline services and facilities which you may find helpful. This will ensure you are linked to relevant networks such as the Disability Liaison Officer and Welfare Officer networks for your academic school. 
  • Funding – We can advise how to apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) to fund sighted guiding, specialist equipment and software to support you in your studies.  A range of assistive software and hardware is available in our libraries, such as Zoom Text, Kurzweil 3000, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Text Help Read and Write Gold, as well as magnifiers.  

The Thomas Pocklington Trust is a national charity that supports blind and partially sighted people.  They also have a Student Support Service.