
The Support Plan can be used to make staff in your University department aware of any issues arising from your disability, mental health condition, long-term medical condition or specific learning difference. 

A Support Plan will detail the reasonable adjustments the University will put in place so you can study and learn comfortably and to help you achieve your true potential.  Typically, this plan will allow you to request coursework extensions, receive your lecture notes before a lecture, access recordings of lectures and have reasonable adjustments during exams.

Exam adjustments may include:

  • additional time
  • room adjustments
  • use of a computer
  • adjustments to the format of exam papers
  • access to support workers (scribes or readers)
  • advisement to markers not to penalise errors in spelling, punctuation, untidy handwriting or clumsiness of English expression

To make reasonable adjustments, we do require supporting documentation.  Follow this link to our guide on submitting evidence.

Once reasonable adjustments are identified, a support plan is created for you. This plan details all the adjustments that we will support you with, and it is held with your student record so we can give you the support you require. As detailed in our Privacy Statement, we maintain confidentiality and we only share the information with staff that need to know for teaching or key administrative processes, such as exams. 

You can view your reasonable adjustments at any time by following these steps: 

  1. Go to NottinghamHub
  2. Log in with your University username and password
  3. Click on the ‘Support arrangements’ icon
  4. Click on ‘Accommodations’ (these are your reasonable adjustments) 
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list and there is a link to 'Download a pdf of your approved support arrangements'

If you have not met a member of the Disability Support Team to discuss your Support Plan, or there are additional adjustments you would like to discuss, pease book an appointment with us by logging into Studentlife.

Disability Rights UK overview of adjustments for disabled students and apprentices