

The regulations around assessment are complicated and this site is designed to make that information more accessible and digestible. Each section has a brief summary on a range of topics and then the links to any additional information you will need.

We understand that sometimes things do not go to plan and if that is the case, be assured that we have processes and support in place for students who find themselves in that situation



What you need to know

What are extenuating circumstances (EC)?

Extenuating circumstances (ECs) are events that affect your performance in assessments which are unforeseen, unpreventable and out of your control. Our Extenuating circumstances procedure is intended to support students with these exceptional, short-term circumstances. Please find more details via the link below:

Extenuating circumstance procedure

Submit an EC claim here


Support for students with disabilities   

Where to access support

Disability Support Services can help if you have a disability, mental health difficulty, long-term medical condition, autistic spectrum conditions or a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or ADHD.

They can create a support plan for you that details adjustments for assessments (such as additional time, room adjustments or use of equipment).

Disability Support Services webpage


Extension requests for students with support plans in place.

If you have a support plan in place and after applying the grace period you still require an extension, details, and the form to complete can be found on the Students with support plans webpage.


Examination extra time for students with support plans.

If you have a support plan that allows for additional time for examinations, colleagues in Student Services will ensure that this is correctly set up for you for both in person and remote exams. See our Assessment and exams webpage for more details. 

For any queries, ask a question on the student enquiry centre.


Key dates

Find out the key dates here.

We publish all assessment results electronically via the Blue Castle website, unless a school or department has advised of other arrangements. You need to make sure there's enough space in your University inbox to receive the email with your results. You will need your University username and password to access the system. 



Our main assessment and examinations page will give you the links to a wide range of information about your main examinations.

This page includes the main examination timetable, a helpful guide on the use of ExamSys and guidance on what to do if you encounter problems accessing your e-exam and uploading scripts. 


Progression, Degree classification, Resits, First sits and Appeals


To progress from one year of your course to the next, you need to meet both the University academic progression regulations plus any additional supplementary regulations on your course.  

Relevant University regulations can be found on the academic regulations webpage. Select the relevant section depending on the type of your degree and the relevant year of entry onto your course. The progression information can be found under the 'Completion of stage' section.


Degree classification information including borderlines

You can find information on how our degrees are classified on the degree classification webpage. Select the relevant section depending on the type of your degree and the relevant year of entry onto your course. The progression information can be found under the 'Other Undergraduate Awards' or 'Taught Postgraduate Awards' section (depending on which is relevant).



A student who, at the first attempt, has not satisfactorily completed a stage (other than the final stage) has a right to one re-assessment in each failed module in order to satisfy progression requirements.  The form of reassessment will normally be the same as the first attempt and will normally be taken in the August/September resit period.

The resit mark is used for progression purposes only; it is the original mark that will be used for degree classification purposes. For example, an undergraduate student may achieve 38 at the first attempt, but 63 on re-assessment. It is the original mark of 38 that will be used when calculating the weighted average to determine the final award classification.

Relevant University regulations for reassessment can be found on the Academic regulations webpage. Please select the relevant section depending on the type of degree and the relevant year of entry onto the course. The resit information can be found under the 'Reassessment' section.

There is an additional charge for resits. It is a one-off charge no matter how many resits are being taken in the reassessment period. The fee is currently £80 for an undergraduate student and £130 for a postgraduate student.              


First sit

One of the possible outcomes from an extenuating circumstances claim is a first sit. This means you can take another attempt at the assessment. It is a new first attempt (and therefore different from a resit) and the new marks will be used for degree classification purposes, unless your new mark is lower in which case your original mark will stand.

First sits will usually be offered in the reassessment period at the end of the academic year.

A number of students decide to not take the first sit offered to them and we will ask you to confirm this to us so we can update our records accordingly.


Can I appeal a decision?

If you are considering making an academic appeal, you should read the separate appeals guidance carefully.  This advice supplements, but does not replace, the formal policy of the University.

Academic appeals procedure


Who can I talk to?

Module convenor

Your module convenor is available if you have any questions about the module or module assessment, including any questions prior to the assessment about accessing the paper.

Personal Tutor/Supervisor

You tutor or supervisor will be able to talk to you about any general concerns you may have including extenuating circumstances.

Student Services Assessment staff

Student Services deal with the administration side of assessment, examinations and extenuating circumstances. You can contact us via our student enquiry centrelive chat, or telephone and can help you with any questions relating to this.

Support and Wellbeing

Our Support and Wellbeing Officers can help you to find the right support service if you are unsure where to go:

Support and Wellbeing service