Going to University is exciting, but can also be challenging, not just for the student, but for their friends and family as well. Sometimes it can be hard to know how best to support them, especially if it’s the first time they’ve been away from home.
We provide a range of services, from confidential advice and support to medical care on campus. Pointing them to the right place can be the best thing you can do to help, or just encouraging them to get in touch with someone who can do that. Our goal is to make sure they’re healthy and happy, but also that they are independent and capable of looking after themselves.
In this way we can make sure that they are not only capable of feeling in control of their wellbeing whilst they are at Nottingham, we can also help them to build up the skills which will prepare them for life after university.
It’s important to remember that everyone who attends university is an adult. That means we cannot share information about them without their consent.
We can listen and help direct concerns, but we can’t share information with friends and family. We find it’s best to support our students directly, rather than trying to work through their friends and family, and family and friends can best help by encouraging their loved one to talk to us.
The short video below, produced by the Residential Experience team, provides a good explanation on how the University communicates with parents and guardians and the support we provide to students in our residences.
Who can I contact in an emergency?
If there’s an urgent serious concern about your loved one’s safety, you can ring the Security Control Office which is open 24 hours a day, every day of the week. They’ll listen and be able to take steps to offer help. That might involve passing details on to some of the other teams at the University.
Contact security now
We can ask a student to get in contact with you but if they refuse we have to respect their right to confidentiality. If you've contacted us and you’re still worried later, please ring again and we'll do what we can to help.
Where can my loved one get medical advice?
The NHS University Health Centre on University Park provides a range of services including access to specialist services (including specialist mental health services) on site. Students should register there when they arrive and can still visit a GP at home as a temporary patient if they need to.
If they haven’t registered, they can still call and get an appointment, with the agreement they’ll register when they attend for their appointment.
Contact the University Health Centre
Students studying at Sutton Bonnington can ask to register with the University Health Centre if they want, but there are also local practices they can register with. We have a close working relationship with the Orchard Practice in Kegworth, where many students are registered.
Who can my loved one speak to within their School if they are struggling?
Every student is assigned a personal tutor, or team of Here For You Guides, who are dedicated members of staff to help when with any personal or academic issue. They tutor will be able to help them work out the best next steps.
A student can also get help from their Support and Wellbeing Officer, based in their faculty. They provide support to students and can help refer to other more specialist services if needed.
Contact Support and Wellbeing
If they want it, your loved one can request an academic peer mentor in their first term. This is a student from the year above who can give them help with their new studies.
Who can my loved one speak to outside of the School?
If they’re living on campus or within certain external provider halls, our Residential Experience Team (ResX), can provide support to the students during evenings and weekends. They provide wellbeing advice and support, as well as helping to resolve any problems in halls. The ResX team also host events almost every night in each hall common room. These events are run by student Residential Ambassadors and are a great way for students to connect with fellow residents.
Contact the Residential Experience Team (ResX)
If your loved one is living in private rented or other third-party accommodation, they can find help and advice about any issues affecting them in the community by contacting our Community Engagement Team.
Contact the Community Engagement Team
For issues related to private rented housing, such as landlords, contract or conditions then please contact Student Union Advice.
Contact Student Union Advice
How can I support my loved one to lead a healthy life at university?
We’re passionate about health promotion and working with our students to help them keep healthy. HealthyU is our way of providing a wide range of information, and we also run campaigns during the year.
Learn more about HealthyU
Where can my loved one go if they need counselling support?
The University has a free, confidential, counselling service which provides support on every campus. Students who want to see a counsellor can be referred through the following University Services: ResX, Support & Wellbeing, Disability Team, Report & Support Team. Groups and workshops are also available.
The counselling service is not intended for use in a crisis. If they need urgent help, they should contact their GP for an urgent appointment, or if you have reason to believe they are in danger then contact security.
What support can my loved one have if they have long-term mental health problems?
If your loved one has significant or long-term mental health problems, they might need to access the University Mental Health Advisory Service. This University team provides specialist mental health advice and support. They’re a referral-only service, so students should speak to their GP, Support & Wellbeing Officer, Disability Team or ResX team first. Sometimes students might be referred to the service by staff directly without the student being involved.
The service can provide advice and support to help students manage their mental health. They might also help them access specialist NHS services. They provide crisis intervention in situations where students are felt to be at risk or putting others at risk due to their mental health problems.
Find out more about mental health support
What do I do if my loved one is struggling to settle in and make friends?
There are many ways to enjoy yourself and make friends at the University. The Student Union runs dozens of societies and volunteering opportunities. A great way to build up friendships and to find a community is to join a society.
If your loved one is in university supported accommodation, the Residential Experience team also run a range of activities throughout the year to help students make friends.
View ResX events
There’s also a guide available that talks about the transition to University for the first time and what support people can access.
View our University Life Guide
Volunteering and/or clubs and societies are often a great way to make friends. The SU have lots of different opportunities available where your loved one can find a cause and interest close to their heart.
Get involved with volunteering
Find out more about clubs and societies
Where can my loved one get faith advice?
The University has a multi-faith chaplaincy that provides welfare and spiritual support everyone of any faith or none. There are also faith spaces across all the campuses where students can practise their faith.
Find out more about Chaplaincy and Faith Support
Who can I talk to if I am worried about how my loved one is doing?
If they’ve come to you for help, then you should make them aware of the support available at the University. Sometimes gentle encouragement is all they’ll need to feel in control. Try checking in a few days later to see how they’re doing.
Who can my loved one talk to out of hours if they are lonely?
If after reading this information you are still concerned, you can get in touch with the Support & Wellbeing team who can also reach out to your loved one and offer support. The team will however not be able to confirm any information to you (including whether your relative/friend is a student) at any stage. The team will also normally have to let the student know that concerns have been raised, including where this has come from, and can only encourage someone to engage with support.