
Effective money management is crucial for a smooth and stress-free student life.

Planning your finances ensures you have enough funds for living costs, your studies and leisure and social activities.

This page provides tips and resources to help you plan and stick to a budget, keep your money safe and secure and access your funds easily. This guidance will help you to make informed financial decisions during your time in Nottingham. 

Planning your budget

Plan your budget to make sure that you have enough money before you arrive in the UK.

You need to be able to pay for your:

Your living costs depend on your lifestyle. If you need a student visa, you will have to show evidence that you have least £1,023 per month for living expenses, as well as your tuition fees.

Find out more about budgeting

How to access your money

You can withdraw your money at cash machines (ATMs). They can be found on our campuses, at banks, supermarkets, shopping centre and many places in the city centre.

ATMs will accept cards from any UK bank and are usually free to use for cash withdrawals. If you are withdrawing from an overseas account or from a credit card, you may be charged for this.

You can also go to your bank branch or post office to withdraw cash from your bank account.

Setting up a UK bank account


Keeping your money safe and secure

It is always a good idea to be careful with your money, wherever you are. Here are some helpful ways to keep it safe:

  • Don't carry large amounts of cash on you
  • Keep your bank details secure, do not share them with other people
  • Report any stolen property to the police. You could also buy insurance cover to protect your belongings
  • Be aware of suspicious 'scam' emails and phone calls pretending to be the police or a bank. Never make a payment to anyone you don't know
  • Follow guidance on online security
  • Find out more about recognising and avoiding fraud
  • Students' Union Advice can offer help if you are a victim of crime

Our funding and financial support team provides information, advice and confidential support for student funding.

Funding and financial support