Personal tutor

Your personal tutor will be your main point of contact and link to the department. They will be there to support you with both academic and personal matters, take an interest in your progress, and offer guidance on your personal development. You will be assigned a tutor at the beginning of your course and they will arrange group and individual tutorials in person and via MS Teams  to help you settle in.

If you have any questions about your course in the meantime, please email

In addition to your personal tutor, the department has a support network of academic staff in place to help answer your questions.

Undergraduate course leads

  • Margaret Mulcahy (Director, K100 Architecture BArch)
  • Neil Stacey (year 1 lead, K100 Architecture BArch)
  • Alisdair Russell (Director, K230 Architecture and Environmental Design MEng)
  • Chris Wood (Director, K240 / K241 Architectural Environment Engineering BEng/MEng)
  • James Pinchin (Deputy Director, K24X Architectual Environmental Engineering programmes)
  • Tim Collett (Director, MArch Architecture Part 2, K10I and K10X)
  • Graeme Barker (MArch Collaborative Practice Research Part 2, K10H and L7 Apprenticeship)

Postgraduate course leads

Senior tutors

  • Lorna Kiamba (K100 BArch & K230 MEng Years 2,3 and 4)
  • Laura Hanks (K100 BArch & K230 MEng, Year 1)
  • James Pinchin (K24X BEng and MEng)
  • Mark Alston (K11L MArch, K11K MArch, K11M MArch, K11H MArch, K211 MSc, K131 MSc, K21A MSc, K10A MSc)
  • Paolo Beccarelli (K10X MArch,K10L MArch,K107 MArch)

Disability Liason

  • Rob Shipman

Faculty of Engineering

Architecture and Built Environment

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query