Meet the people that will teach you first, and welcome you to Computer Science in Nottingham 

Welcome Week Leaders 

Jeremie Clos 
Year 1 coordinator 

Andrew Parkes
Director of Postgraduate Taught  

Rong Qu 
Director of Postgraduate Research  

Max L. Wilson  
Director of Student Experience 


First Year First Semester Undergraduate Lecturers 

Jamie Twycross 
Teaches: Programming and Algorithms 

Steve Bagley 

Teaches: Assembly-Language Programming, Networks, Computer Architecture 

Tim Muller, Ulrik Buchholtz and Jason Atkin 


Other key contacts and members of staff

Refer to the Moodle Community Page for more key contacts, a link to our staff directory, and how to get in contact with the school office.

Personal tutors and Here For You Guides

All undergraduate students will be assigned a personal tutor upon arrival.

All postgraduate taught students will be assigned to an Academic Guide (part of a group of Here For You Guides) upon arrival.

Personal tutors or Academic Guides are the first point of contact for academic advice and questions (queries about where to find information or to submit forms should be directed to student services, and questions about our building should be directed to the school office). 

The Computer Science Student Advice Coordinator (also part of the Here For You Guides) is the postgraduate student's first point of contact and can provide general advice and signposting. They can be contacted via email at

First year undergraduates will meet weekly with their personal tutor, as a small group of tutees. 

All students can contact their personal tutor, or Here For You Guides, for a one-on-one meeting, or just by email, to ask questions. 

Faculty of Science

Computer Science

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query