Personal tutors
Your guides on your course
The aim of our personal tutoring programme is to provide our students with appropriate and personalised developmental support and to encourage you to reach your academic potential.
You are assigned a personal tutor who is an academic in your degree. They are assigned to you for the entire time that you are at university and should remain the same. You can speak to your personal tutor about a range of things, either during tutorials or a pre-arranged meeting in their office hours. Personal tutors may signpost you to a range of different services across the university that are useful to you and can be a good person to speak to whether things are going well and when you may need a little more support.
How does personal tutoring work?
Personal tutoring for undergraduate students is composed of pastoral tutoring sessions and academic skills sessions. Undergraduate students will meet their personal tutors in Welcome Week.
For postgraduate students the sessions focus mainly on pastoral matters. Personal tutors will be assigned to you during Welcome Week, so it is important that you attend your introductory talks where allocations happen.
All undergraduate students in the school should receive similar numbers and times of pastoral tutorials. The sessions at the start of the year are group tutorials, then later in the year, you will have individual sessions.
The academic skills sessions will differ across programmes, to reflect the unique skills required in each discipline.
All sessions should be timetabled. Further information on personal tutoring can be accessed on the central personal tutoring page.
Your engagement with personal tutoring
You should make all reasonable efforts to prepare for and attend all scheduled meetings with your personal tutor, and to keep your personal tutor informed of personal development progress.
Your personal tutor is a contact for you when things are going well, and they can support you when you may need more support. By developing a good relationship with your personal tutor you can also ask them to be references on job applications or for other opportunities which you would like to take up.