Join our medical student societies
During your time here at the University of Nottingham, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to become involved with a society or club that is specific to your career in medicine.

We have an incredible Medics Society who do everything from events to welfare and even teaching.
They run the Medic Parents scheme, which pairs freshers up with a mentor in the year above for support and advice on everything from student life to the course.
They also run a Peer Support Scheme, where you can ask any mentor you want for help on questions your medic parent(s) cannot answer and are an extra source of support and guidance.
MedSoc Teaching is devoted to making sure you can get the most out of the academic side of medical school and organise peer teaching, revision sessions and more.
Some of the events MedSoc and its societies run throughout the year include balls and nights out, the Medics' Musical, concerts, sporting events, movie nights and more.
Visit the MedSoc website
WAMS (Widening Access to Medical School Society)

What we do
WAMS provides information and advice to students from disadvantaged backgrounds to try and help them fulfil their potential and get the best chance possible of getting into medical school. We hope to encourage as many students as possible to consider medicine as a career and de-mystify the application process, hopefully helping the medical workforce to become as diverse as the patients we serve.
How to get involved
You can become an e-mentor or volunteer at either the events we hold as a committee or sessions we run in partnership with the university's Widening Participation team or other organisations. You can also visit schools to deliver sessions such as clinical skills demonstrations or (in year 5) mentor students on a Work Experience week.
Where can you find out more?
Visit the WAMS website
Sign up to be a member of WAMS for free on the SU website to hear about all the opportunities to volunteer.
We'll also have a stall at the Welcome Fair so come say hello.

Student Surgical Society has been running since 2001 and is growing each and every year. We now have over 1000 members on our list and we're proud to say that the vast majority of you are active within the society. Our events range from anatomy tutorials, surgical skills practical classes and surgical careers advice sessions both in Nottingham and Derby.
Visit the SCRUBS website
UNAD (University of Nottingham at Derby)
UNAD is the medics society which runs all student activities, socials, and sub-committees over at the University’s Derby campus, based at Royal Derby Hospital. They organise and coordinate student support schemes as well as social events, competitions, and group teaching sessions.
The committee are comprised of passionate students from the Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) course, as well as the Foundation Medics and MPT courses which are also based in the Derby Medical school.
Support schemes for students run by UNAD include the GEM senior mentor scheme, where students in upper/clinical years are paired with first years to help guide them through the first few months. Alongside this, the GEM-MPT mentor scheme connects current GEM students with prospective GEM’s currently enrolled on the MPT course for advice regarding the medical application process.
UNAD events which run throughout the year include formals, nights out, pub quizzes, sporting events and much more! For more information, check out our Instagram at @unad_derby.
For further details of all societies and clubs you can join as a medical student:
Visit the Students' Union website