

What does a course rep do?

Course reps are students who put themselves forward to represent the views of other students on issues surrounding their academic experience. This includes access to library books, lecture timetables, how seminar groups work, support you can get from your department, and everything in between. As a course rep, you get to meet with staff in your department and give your feedback directly to the people who can change these things. 

As a course rep, you will get: 

  • Full training for your role 
  • Externally recognised training around student mental health by Student Minds 
  • Exclusive invites to termly gatherings with senior university staff to talk about the student experience 
  • A certificate and recognition for your role 
  • Access to exclusive course rep socials 
  • Opportunities to engage with national bodies around how the student experience can change for the better nationally
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How do I become a course rep?

You just need to register your interest on the form below. That's it! Once you start university, you will get an invite to come to training from the Students' Union and once you have attended this, you are fully recognised as a course rep.

Registration is now open and will close at 2pm on Friday 11 October 2024.


If you want to find out more or want to have a chat with someone about the role during Welcome: 

  • Come to your departmental SU presentation where you can chat with one of our full-time officers 
  • Meet up with the SU Student Voice team on their stall at the Welcome Fairs on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 September 2024 at David Ross Sports Village, University Park Campus