International scholarships frequently asked questions

Masters scholars at Nottingham

This page aims to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about our international scholarships.

If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please email the International Scholarships Team. You may also find our scholarship application guidance notes helpful.

Please note that there is a strict word count limit for all questions, which is outlined at the end of each question. The system does not automatically limit this, so you would be encouraged to check your application before you submit. Any responses submitted that exceed the outlined word count may not be reviewed.

I am interested in applying for a scholarship. When will I be able to apply?

Can I apply for more than one scholarship?
Can I apply for admission to the university and a scholarship at the same time?
When should I submit my application to study at the University in order to allow enough time to apply for a scholarship?
Can I apply for a scholarship if I hold a conditional offer?
What information do I need to apply for a scholarship online?
What should I do if I realise part of my scholarship application is incorrect after I have submitted it?
How will I know if I have been successful with my scholarship application?
If I change my course of study will it affect my scholarship application?
Can I apply for a scholarship if I am already studying at the University of Nottingham?
I applied for a scholarship and the application status is 'On Hold'. What does this mean?
Are there any scholarships offered by the schools or departments at The University of Nottingham?
If I defer my offer until the following year, will the scholarships on offer still be the same?
If I am awarded a scholarship and defer my offer, can I also defer my scholarship?
My scholarship value is different to the value in my online scholarship application.
How can I add my scholarship to my CAS?

International Student Recruitment

C Floor, YANG Fujia Building
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK

+44 (0) 115 951 5247
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