Existing exchange agreements
Where an international or Erasmus+ exchange agreement is already in place, visiting postgraduates can attend the University of Nottingham without paying tuition fees to the university if officially nominated by your home university. You should check with your home university regarding any internal application procedures.
Self-arranged applications
Where there is no international or Erasmus+ exchange agreement in place, or students wish to apply independently, Masters and PhD students from overseas academic institutions can study at the University of Nottingham for a period of up to one year as a postgraduate visiting student.
Erasmus+ traineeships
The impact of Brexit means that there is no longer a visa route for Erasmus+ traineeships and visa support has ended.
The British Council is continuing to act as immigration sponsor for Temporary Work - Government Authorised Exchange visas, but only in respect of Erasmus+ funding secured up to 2020. The applicant would need a 2014-2020 reference number. Students must approach the British Council directly to access this visa route.
The British Council cannot sponsor participants funded under reference numbers starting 2021 or later, therefore applicants with a reference number from 2021 onwards are unable participate in an Erasmus+ internship within the UK.
What to expect
Research and modules
Postgraduate exchange and visiting students can take taught modules or undertake research while at Nottingham towards the Masters or PhD they are studying for at their home university. However, any credits gained cannot count towards a degree at the University of Nottingham.
You must have a University of Nottingham academic to act as your supervisor and it is expected that you will already have a suitable contact. Please gain their agreement on your start date and the duration of your visit before you apply.
Research training
Postgraduate exchange and visiting students can also take part in the regular research training programme of the department, including seminars, workshops and conferences, as well as access seminars and research training offered by the Graduate School.
Facilities and services
Postgraduate exchange and visiting students are able to register with the university as full-time students and have access to all of the university's IT and library facilities as well as a workspace assigned to them within the school/department.
Postgraduate exchange and visiting students can also apply for university housing and are able to access the complete range of the university's support services, sports facilities and are members of the university's Students' Union while registered at Nottingham.
Period of study
Applicants may apply for up to 12 months (3, 6, 9 or 12 months) and will be informed of the pro rata fee on application. As well as the session start date in September, there are standard start dates during an academic year on 1 February, 1 April, 1 July, 1 October and 1 December.
International students
Postgraduate visiting students (classed as international for fees purposes) undertaking a 12-month period of research will be charged the international postgraduate research student fee at a reduced rate. Details of the fees are listed on the student fees website.
Academic requirements
All applicants must be a current student at an overseas university or college of higher education and must have completed at least one year of study at their home university.
The minimum academic requirement is a current overall average equivalent to a 2:2 in the UK.
Please follow the link below for country-specific guidance, grade equivalencies will be found under Masters entry requirements.
Country-specific information
English language requirements
All students are required to meet the University's minimum English language requirements by taking either an IELTS or Pearson Academic PTE test or another recognised English language qualification.
Some universities in non-English-speaking countries teach and examine in the medium of English language, and in certain cases there may be a possibility to provide evidence of an alternative English language test.
For more information please see alternative English language qualifications.
A number of alternative language qualifications can also be accepted as B2 equivalent alternatives for NQF Level 6 (undergraduate degree level) study and above. For more information, please consult the following: English language equivalencies.
How to apply
Email the Visiting students team, copying in your University of Nottingham supervisor and the Visiting students team will provide further details about what you need to do. Applications must be made at least 3-months in advance of the start date.