Undergraduate students leaning on a postbox in Nottingham City Centre - November 2021

How safe is Nottingham for students?

Nottingham is considered to be a generally safe city, with low crime rates, find out more below.

Moving to a new place makes everyone a bit anxious. You ask yourself if you’ll fit in, and you probably wonder how safe it is. It’s quite normal to be nervous or even overwhelmed during your first weeks, but once you settle in, you’ll realise that Nottingham is a nice, quiet place. 

Ranked as the 6th best city in the UK for students, you’ll be glad to hear that Nottingham has held the Purple Flag status since 2010, which means that our Nottingham is a safe place to live or go for a night out. 

However, just like any other place, it is important to stay aware of your surroundings and any potential risks, and to know how to prevent them. This will ensure that you can enjoy your years of study and student life without having to worry about your safety. 

How safe are the University of Nottingham campuses?

The University of Nottingham campuses are places where you can feel safe, and live in a comfortable environment where you can feel at home. 

Besides our security measures for your physical and material safety, the University of Nottingham does not tolerate any type of harassment, hate crime, or unwanted behaviour that you find offensive, intimidating or humiliating. 

How to feel safe on campus: 

  • Familiarize yourself with the area as soon as you can
  • Connect with your hallmates and swap mobile phone numbers
  • Save the numbers of reputable taxi firms in your phone
  • Save the police non-emergency number 101 in your phone

Lock all your doors and windows

It can be that simple to keep most burglaries at bay.  

Here are some general safety tips that apply wherever you are: 

  • Have your phone with you at all times and make sure it’s charged
  • Keep valuables out of sight
  • Be aware of what is going on at all times
  • Stay alert when using cash machines

Be considerate about your stuff

Don’t flash your stuff in public or leave it unattended. Leaving your laptop unattended on that coffee shop table might not be such a good idea. After all, you don’t want a semester of work stolen. 


Keep your bike safe
  • Be mindful where you leave your bike 
  • Lock it safely by securing the wheels 
  • Frame it tight to an immovable object
  • Remove lights and other detachables

Nights out:

Talk about what’s your plan for the night

  • Stick with the people you know
  • Don’t drink more than you can’t handle
  • Don’t accept drinks from a stranger
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended
  • Keep enough money for your journey home
  • Avoid traveling back alone and stick to well-lit streets
  • Use only licensed taxis when taking a lift home

Think, plan and communicate

Whether it’s the first time living on your own, or you’ve been here for a while, being sensible about your personal safety will help you enjoy your experience at the University of Nottingham.

It's important to consider who knows where you are, when they can expect to see you again and remember to communicate with friends and family if your plans change.

If unsure, you don’t need to feel pressured about being on your own in terms of safety. At the University of Nottingham we have an array of services to provide support - from advice centres to wellbeing - should you ever need them. 

Here, we’re all part of a safe, diverse and inclusive community. 

Open Day June 2022