The United Kingdom and Intelligence: Past and Future

Wednesday 14th June 2023 (14:00-15:15)

As part of the upcoming SUIT visit to Washington, Professor Rory Cormac will be delivering a talk for the Centre for the Study of the Presidency & Congress.

On Wednesday 14 June Rory will join Joshua C. Huminski, the Director of the Mike Rogers Center for Intelligence & Global Affairs at CSPC to discuss how states such as the United Kingdom use covert action and intelligence to advance their interests, and how the relationship between MI5, MI6, GCHQ and others shapes policy and politics.

Please note that this event is taking place at the Centre for the Study of the Presidency and Congress in Washington D.C at 9am ET.


Centre for the Study of Subversion, Unconventional Interventions and Terrorism

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 74 87195