Centre for the Study of Subversion, Unconventional Interventions and Terrorism


Past and current projects

Current projects


Creating a Taxonomy of Coercive Influence

Funder: Australian Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs
PI: Professor Rory Cormac; Co-investigator: Professor Andrew Mumford
Duration: October 2022-July 2023

This project, in collaboration with the Australian National University, aims to distil mechanisms states use to influence others, from propaganda to paramilitary activity. It pays particular attention to scales of secrecy, visibility and acknowledgement, what each can achieve, and how observers can assess success. 

The project is supported by Research Fellows Thomas Eason and Katie Bayford. 

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'If it’s printed it’s true’?: a critical reassessment of the IWM’s Black Propaganda collection

Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
PI: Professor Rory Cormac
Duration: October 2023-October 2026

In collaboration with the Imperial War Museum, SUIT is co-hosting a project examining Black Propaganda in the Second World War. It considers how the British - and Howe in particular - understood black propaganda; the impact of wider bureaucracy on the role and function of wartime propaganda; and ways of assessing the impact and legacy of such activity. 

This is an AHRC studentship, and the research will be conducted by a Postgraduate Researcher starting in October 2023.


Past projects

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Advancing knowledge exchange in the UK Parliament

Funder: Economic and Social Research Council
PI: Professor Andrew Mumford
Duration: April 2020 - July 2022

Dr Mumford will work with policy makers and parliamentarians to identify issues, assess evidence, formulate and then implement a review of UK security, defence and foreign policy.

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The importance of strategic and political context for military reforms in Ukraine

Funder: British Academy/Leverhulme Trust
PI: Dr Bettina Renz, Co-investigator: Dr Sarah Whitmore (Oxford Brooks University)
Duration: October 2019 - March 2023

This research project explores the type of military in Ukraine that is best suited to the needs and wants of the country.




Centre for the Study of Subversion, Unconventional Interventions and Terrorism

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 74 87195