

Papin Award

Named after Denis Papin, a famous 17th century technician, the Papin Prizes were first awarded at the inaugural Higher Education Technicians Summit (HETS) in 2015.

Held biennially, the Papin Prizes recognise and reward innovation and excellence amongst technicians working in higher education.

The following are recent winners of the Papin Award from the Faulty of Engineering: 



Hannah Constantin



Lord Dearing Award

The Lord Dearing Award Scheme acknowledges the world-class contribution made by University staff to creating a learning environment which is nurturing as well as challenging, creative and innovative. School of Education colleagues regularly appear on the annual list of winners, but this year we are especially proud to announce the success of six members of staff working across two teams.

The following are recent winners of the Lord Dearing Award from the Faulty of Engineering:



Mel Hemsley

Centre for 3D Design Team

Design Studio Development team



Katy McKenzie



James Bonnyman

Malcolm Dugdale

The Faculty of Engineering Teaching Technical Team



Everton Blake