Why choose Nottingham?
8 good reasons...
... that work together to offer you the best university experience
Student life
Check out our student life pages to see what life is like as a Nottingham student.
Watch our videos about the Nottingham experience. Hear from our students on all aspects of student life – from careers and support services, to accommodation and studying abroad.
Visit our student life blog, where current students share their experiences of student life – from settling into halls and exploring the city, to studying abroad and student elections. There are also loads of blogs to read from schools and departments across the University, written by both students and staff.
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The Students' Union
The Students' Union (SU) is a student-run body that provides support and advice to students on a range of areas. You automatically become a part of the SU when you register.
Get involved….
Our Students' Union (SU) is one of the most active in the UK and has over 300 student-run clubs and societies that you can join.
The student charity Karnival also offers the opportunity to raise money for good causes and the Student Volunteer Centre has many volunteering projects for you to get involved in.
Get support…
Students' Union Advice provides free and impartial advice and information on a wide range of issues such as housing, education and finances.
Make change…
Every student should have the chance to share their views, make their voice heard and have an amazing time at university.
We will work with you to ensure that you can affect the change you want.
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At Nottingham you'll find some of the best sports facilities in the country, including the David Ross Sports Village.
We're Sports University of the Year in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2021, and have finished in the top 10 of the British Universities and Colleges Sports (BUCS) league for the last 20 years.
We pride ourselves on the breadth of our offer with over 70 sports clubs for you to join. Our popular intramural league has more than 200 teams playing for their hall, department or society every week. And for those who want to keep fit without competing, we offer three levels of sports membership, giving you access to sports and fitness facilities as well as a range of exercise classes.
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A degree from the University of Nottingham boosts your employability and kick starts your career. The University of Nottingham is ranked in the world's top 70 universities by the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022. We're also one of the top five most targeted universities by Britain's leading graduate employers, according to The Graduate Market in 2021 by High Fliers Research.
Careers and Employability Service
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