UNISON - University of Nottingham Branch

Branch officers and stewards

Executive Committee

Branch chair Louise Stonard, Catering Division (UP) Email Louise
Branch secretary Vicki Morris,  Faculty of Arts (UP) Email Vicki
Treasurer Laura Sun, Highfield House (UP) Email Laura


Other branch officers

Membership officer Chris Holland Veterinary School
Health and Safety officer Vacant -
Equalities officer Dale Vick RAA (UP)
Disabled members officer Eva Roemer-Barnes Engineering
Welfare officer Margaret (Maggie) McPhee Sutton Bonington (SoM)
International officer Sarissa Guo Deputy Registrars (UP)
Labour Link officer AND Women's Group convenor Louise Stonard Catering Division
Retired members officer Anne Kilker  
Young members officer Charlotte Stone
External Relations (KMC)
Communications officer Charlotte Stone External Relations (KMC)
Education officer Richard Fletcher Finance
Environment officer Kieran Hallam Careers and Employability Service (UP)


A vacancy exists for Black Members Officer. We can co-opt to this post - if you would like to know more, please email unison@nottingham.ac.uk. We also have a vacancy for a Health and Safety Officer. Email to find out more.

If you would like to know about becoming a rep, either a workplace rep (steward), health and safety rep, Union Learning Rep, or workplace contact, please email unison@nottingham.ac.uk.

Accredited stewards (reps). You may contact any rep as locations are given for information.

Vicki Morris, Faculty of Arts, Humanities Building (UP)
Eva Roemer-Barnes, Engineering
Louise Stonard, Catering Division
Martha Roberts, UoN Students' Union

Health and safety reps

Nathan Miller, Lakeside (UP)

Workplace contacts

Richard Fletcher, Professional Hubs
Marc Gibson, Sutton Bonington
Rupert Holman, Hallward Library (UP)

Issues stewards can help you with include:

  • Pay queries
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Sickness absence
  • Capability
  • Disciplinary
  • Grievance
  • Early retirement
  • Contract changes (changes to Terms and Conditions of employment)
  • Voluntary severance
  • Dignity
  • Special leave
  • Pensions
  • University policies


E Floor
Portland Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4049
email: unison@nottingham.ac.uk