Branch officers and stewards
Executive Committee
Branch chair |
Louise Stonard, Catering Division (UP) |
Email Louise |
Branch secretary |
Vicki Morris, Faculty of Arts (UP) |
Email Vicki |
Treasurer |
Laura Sun, Highfield House (UP) |
Email Laura |
Other branch officers
A vacancy exists for Black Members Officer. We can co-opt to this post - if you would like to know more, please email We also have a vacancy for a Health and Safety Officer. Email to find out more.
If you would like to know about becoming a rep, either a workplace rep (steward), health and safety rep, Union Learning Rep, or workplace contact, please email
Accredited stewards (reps). You may contact any rep as locations are given for information.
Health and safety reps
Workplace contacts
Issues stewards can help you with include:
- Pay queries
- Bullying and harassment
- Sickness absence
- Capability
- Disciplinary
- Grievance
- Early retirement
- Contract changes (changes to Terms and Conditions of employment)
- Voluntary severance
- Dignity
- Special leave
- Pensions
- University policies