Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems
University of Nottingham
University of Nottingham

UTC in Gas Turbine Transmissions Systems People

Management Team 

Photo of Chris Bennett - UTC Director

Chris Bennett 

Director of the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems

Chris Bennett, Director of the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems is a Professor of Solid Mechanics.

His research interests include fusion and non-fusion welding processes and the development of experimental facilities and models to provide deep insight into the material behaviour and evolution during these processes.  He also has a broad interest in the application of numerical modelling (particularly finite element modelling) to engineering problems which include contact, wear and fatigue of aeroengine components.  Linked to this is experience and expertise in novel characterisation methods for a range of material systems in extreme environments. 

He has a long history of working closely with industry and has been PI on a number of collaborative research projects funded by the ATI and direct funded by industry.  He is currently PI on the Clean Aviation project HEAVEN and ATI project MUSIC.  


Carol Eastwick is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering who is a deputy director for the Gas Turbine and Transmission Systems UTC and leads the Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group.

Her research is in the field of multi-phase Thermofluids where she has been using experiments, analysis and modelling approaches to reduce the environmental impact of gas turbines for flight and power.

Carol began working on oil systems with the UTC in 1997, supporting the development of modelling prediction capabilities that have been transferred to industry.  Carol has also led programmes that have delivered experimental data to de-risk and inform industrial partners on design challenges. 

Image of Carol Eastwick - Deputy UTC Director


Carol Eastwick 

Deputy Director of the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems


Picture of James Rouse - Solids UTC Deputy

James Rouse 

Deputy Director of Solid Mechanics in the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmissions Systems

Dr James Rouse is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham in the Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing Engineering Department and is the Solid Mechanics Deputy in the Gas Turbine and Transmission Systems UTC.

His research interests include the creation of novel experimental methods for the characterisation of materials (primarily metallic) in industry/process relevant conditions, the production of generalised material deformation models for accurate mechanical simulation in extreme environments, and the development of efficient numerical schemes (primarily FEA based) that allow for important design questions to be answered quickly and with confidence.

The UTC Deputy role draws on much of this experience, with James overseeing work in a wide range of related areas and enabling the transfer of knowledge by working closely with many technical specialists at the company. Projects include the development of new wear and fretting models for misaligned spline coupling assessment (with supporting experimental studies performed at the component level to validate anticipated degradation modes), the characterisation of machines and materials for high temperature/high strain rate processing methods (notably linear and inertia friction welding), and the simulation of incursion events for complex multiphase materials (plasma sprayed AlSi-Polyester).  


Dr. Stephen Ambrose is an Assistant Professor in Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing department of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nottingham.

Stephen is also the deputy director of thermofluids for the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems.

His research focusses on computational modelling and analysis of complex thermal and fluid systems, including multi-phase flow, coupled heat transfer mechanisms and application of novel low order approaches using machine learning. He has been the PI for a number of thermofluid modelling projects with Rolls-Royce, and he has represented the university and UTC at numerous industrial and academic research events.  

This experience links closely with the UTC’s aims to develop new technologies and understanding to improve the reliability and efficiency of the next generation of transmission systems. As a UTC deputy director, he is involved in a wide range of thermofluid-related knowledge exchange and activities alongside technical experts within the company. 

Picture of Stephen Ambrose - Thermofluids UTC Deputy


Stephen Ambrose 

Deputy Director of Thermofluids in the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmissions Systems


Seamus Garvey 

Seamus Garvey

Neville Rieger Professor of Dynamics

Professor Seamus Garvey is the Neville Rieger Professor of Dynamics at University of Nottingham, and he was previously the director of the Gas Turbine and Transmission Systems UTC from 2008 until 2021. He continues to support the UTC and its management team with his insight and expertise.  

Professor Garvey has a long background in the dynamics of rotating machines and is the author of a textbook now well regarded in the subject. For over fifteen years, the UTC has had a continuous involvement in managing the dynamic behaviour of machines. This has included developing rotor balancing methods, designing rotors so that critical speeds occur suitable at parts of the machine speed range, and controlling the transverse forces that exist rotors – especially those in electrical machine rotors that may be present within larger rotor system. He has built on his background to bring knowledge into Rolls Royce applications, and he continues to be a PI on projects relating to rotordynamics. 



University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems

B14, Energy Technologies Building
Jubilee Campus
