School of Veterinary Medicine and Science


Image of Naomi Prosser

Naomi Prosser

Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



I have been working as a Research Fellow in the Ruminant Population Health group since 2019, following a PhD in Biological Sciences at the University of Warwick (2015-2019) and a BSc in Zoology with a Professional Training Year at Cardiff University (2011-2015).

Research Summary

Currently I am working on a BBSRC-funded project investigating resilience of dairy cows to calving, following health, production and reproduction parameters in cows from multiple farms from the just… read more

Recent Publications

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 6116
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